The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hello again, my friend, hello

Yep, that's right, I started off with a little Neil Diamond.
It feels like it has been a lifetime since I blogged. Preparing for and then going on a trip to AZ left me with little spare time. I'd be lying if I didn't admit to some spare time being used just to space out in front of the tv :) On a side note - I haven't been posting pictures or videos because this blog site has put in place a space limitation. I'm working on other methods of posting (that hopefully aren't cumbersome).
A lot has happened over the past few weeks. I will get to several of them individually... such as; first actual kids meal order off of a menu, another trip through the airport, a trip to AZ, etc etc... and of course the big news of Nathaniel WALKING.
We were starting to think he wasn't ever going to walk, but on Dec 8 he walked. He is a cautious little guy and I think he needed to feel very secure before going for it. And boy did he go for it. He went from crawling to taking 10-15 steps plus turns. He has been pulling up on things and pushing his walker for a long time so we always figured he was close, but he sure did take his sweet time :) Actually, come to find out most people consider it walking when a kid takes a quick step towards something. He has done that for awhile, but I guess me and Kevin are very literal. We figured it isn't walking until he took a long stroll. Haha if this is indicative of our parenting style Nathaniel better get used to high expectations! I think the practice all of the friends and family did with him while on vacation pushed him over that final hurdle (including all of the laps Ryann, my friend Kelly's daughter, did with him - he loved it)
I'm sure me and all other parents/relatives would agree that it is super cute to see a little toddler walking around frankenstein style. He focuses so hard, but smiles and laughs as he barrels towards you. One thing he will have to learn is that walking to the dog isn't a great idea. He gets to Mocha and leans on him not realizing that Mocha is most likely going to move. Those moving structures throw the Frankenstein balance off. I think the dogs secretly tell Nathaniel 'It's about time - we walked on the first day'.
I know I'm in trouble once he gets really moving and really walking everywhere so I'm going to enjoy Baby Frankenstein while I can.