The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Sleeping Through the Storm

No, not the storm that is our life right now.... (he won't remember the last few months, but they have been a little crazy stressful, crazy boring and just crazy) Maybe, I'm just describing myself.  Yes, I'm best described as a crazy person.  It's hard to decide where to move, if you should move, sell your house, rent or buy a new house, some other stuff, all while trying to live a normal life while *dad* is 2600 miles away some of the time.  Making decisions cross country is also crazy... anyway, back to the storm at hand.  Literally a storm haha.

Nathaniel has always been a great sleeper.  Not always a great napper - he was a bit of a cat napper in his baby months.. but always a great sleeper at night.  And to be fair a pretty good napper once he was out of the baby baby stage.  Naps have always been a little touch and go because he wakes up pretty easy if a random loud noise happens or he hears some rustling.  I think he is afraid to miss any action... Also, he is used to a pretty quiet household.  Most of the time it is just me and the dogs and we are really quiet during nap time.  Luckily, he doesn't ever usually wake up crying and he while it takes forever to get him to bed... it's not a lot of whining or anything just chit chat and games and stalling :)

I am thankful for his sleep habits during big loud storms.  The other night was one of the brightest loudest storms I had witnessed in awhile from about 12:30am to 3am.  I couldn't even sleep through it and I can sleep through anything. Seriously, I can sleep anywhere.  Maybe it was because Kona was scared and laying on me shaking from fear.  She wasn't quite that bad, but she wasn't having any fun that's for sure.  

The continuous white flashes were too hard to sleep through.  Every once in awhile the crack from the lightening was so loud it sounded like it was right outside the house.  I kept looking at the monitor thinking he is going to wake up - he has got to - there is no way he can sleep through this - then nothing - maybe a slight roll here and there - but overall no waking up.  I couldn't believe it.  I'm hoping his non fear of storms will last (knock on wood) I know things can change in a blink with kids. 

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