The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Grandma and Grandpa Hahm Visit

Another visitor has come and gone.  We love having visitors as we don't have very many people over - yes me and Kevin aren't great at making friends apparently (are we weird??, wait, don't answer that) Anyway, it's always a great time because it's an excuse to check out new stuff.  Plus, Nate loves being showered with attention.

We did some new and old things.  
We, of course, visited Pike Place Market again and had the chowder, cheese curds, bought beautiful flowers and people watched.  I think you have to do that every time people are here - it is such a cool place to go and we don't get down there as often as we'd like.  

We took a ferry to Bainbridge Island - in a car.  Woo Hoo.  I always have wanted to take my car on a ferry.  When my dad was here we went down and looked at the car levels, but we walked that time.  This time we could lolly gag around the island farther than the little downtown area.  That led us to Bloedel Reserve a flower garden with some great views.  Then, we headed across the bridge to a little Viking town called Poulsbo, ate lunch and went to a free little aquarium.  We made it back to Winslow for some ice cream (Not to be confused with Winslow AZ)  There were so many flavors at this place.  It was yummy.  We managed to get on the ferry at the right time.  It broke down after we had went on it - luck was on our side!  

We checked out Mt. Rainier park from the South side.  We saw a few beautiful waterfalls and played in the snow.  Nate loved loved loved making snowballs and still talks about it.  It was a clear day too, which is unusual, so we could see the mountain in all its glory.  Towards the end we were on a bit of a goose chase trying to find this one waterfall, we eventually found it, not without some groans from the tired driver ....  the groans were deserved as I made him turn around about 5 times :)  

We ate on Alki beach over in West Seattle.  Nate played in the sand forever.  It is a fun laid back place to hang out.  

We made it to the fancy Starbucks.  This is its roastery location that just opened this year.  It was fancy.  We weren't sure how to order or what to order.  But it was neatly laid out and you could see the bean roasting process.  There was a little noise that came with that, but Nate liked seeing the beans go through the tubes.  

As usual, we always had a laundry list of 'to-do's' for Kevin's dad while he was here. We tend not to get projects done around the house because with Nate it is just hard if something takes two people.  But, with grandma to babysit that leaves 3 of us to work on stuff.  Pictures got hung, new faucets got put in to our new countertops... oh boy oh boy was that a process.  I'm pretty sure they didn't travel here to go to Home Depot 20 times, but that is what they did haha... on one of our Home Depot trips grandma and Nate got stuck in the car while the alarm was going off... fun stuff... and they were trying to get out because Nate had to go potty... so extra fun times.  Grandpa Hahm managed to fix the train my grandpa gave to Nate so that was neat to finally have that working.  OH and this huge shelf got put up in Nate's room.  Kevin didn't think it would work, but it seems to be staying up.  It is heavy.  Nate's airplane room is almost complete.  

Otherwise, we ate out and went to parks and generally enjoyed ourselves and the perfect weather.  They did get to see Nathaniel play tball in all of its chaotic goodness too.  

So who is next... c'mon ... anyone ... anyone want to come visit???  I know Krista and I are figuring out some dates.  Can't wait!!

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