The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 7, 2015


This is that sound you make when you are a little annoyed/frustrated/confused.  You know the sound where your hands are in the air and you look up a bit and then say 'AAURGH' There is a Subaru commercial with a little blonde boy that shows this expression perfectly when he drops his groceries.  

Nate does this exact same thing.  It is a total crack up.  Whether it is Mocha running off with a toy or me saying we are out of apple juice or the trash being too full or too many people in line at the store.  Sometimes he is just my shadow making the sound as I also make the sound.  

Case in point...  I had to take Kona to the vet the other day.  We stopped at a park beforehand.  I got a little cranky because Nate was wanting to go on the swings and he was asking a million times, but it was hard to do that with Kona and so many people at the park.  Kona is fine around kids, but just logistically with moving swings and running kids... yada yada... you get the point.  So I made that 'AAURGH' sound and kind of stomped off to find a tree to tie Kona too as Nate continued asking if he could ride the swings.  I know I made the AAURGH sound because following 1 foot behind me was this 3 yr old boy doing the same thing.  Why it was so funny (at least to me) was because I was making the sound cuz of him, yet he was also making the sound.  I guess you'd have to be there to get the full comic picture.  

Hopefully he won't have grown out of this before some other witnesses witness it :) It is such an adult expression.  Really does put some humor into an annoying situation - you can't stay annoyed for long that is for sure!

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