The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, April 20, 2012

Diaper Dog

Ok, so we all know that Mocha can be somewhat of a hooligan. It is his hooliganness that actually makes him endearing. Don't get me wrong, there are some days when I walk in to a room and see shredded fluff everywhere I am so mad... but there are other days when I walk in to that same mess and he looks at me like, 'What - did I do something wrong?' and I can't help but chuckle a little. He is especially addicted to shredding paper or paper like things. You can't leave a receipt or letter just sitting around all willy nilly or it will be stolen and shredded into a million tiny pieces. I am not sure how many bills we have sent in with the corners missing, we will catch him before the whole thing is destroyed. (yep we don't do all our bills on line yet, most, but not all. After moving 40 times a year one tends to keep things simple).

Anyway, back to my favorite paper shredder. I think he just likes to hear things make a ripping noise. Anything that can be ripped has a high risk factor if you leave it out. Moving has always been really fun for Mocha because the paper they use to pack up your stuff is like Disneyland. It is everywhere and there is so much of it crumpled like a ball just waiting to be stolen.

Well, he has now discovered how FUN it is to steal diapers and shred them into a million pieces. Not dirty diapers, clean ones. He does it so quiet too. I won't notice he is gone and then all of a sudden my heart skips a beat and I think to myself 'DIAPERS'... and yep... there he is with 3 diapers shredded. There is diaper fluff and granules everywhere. The worst part is for some reason he likes to actually eat the diaper. Most of the time he just shreds stuff and leaves a mess, with diapers he eats most of the evidence. But, as you may have guessed that evidence shows back up in the back yard :) Now the diapers are pretty much kept in a high place where he can't reach them.

Diapers are not the first baby thing to be destroyed. He is racking up quite the list. I actually thought about keeping a Mocha Destruction Tally on the home page of the blog. It would go something like this

Burp clothes - ~3
Blankets - ~ 2
Diapers - ~ ?
PJs - ~1
Pacifiers - ~ 2
Bottles - ~1
Toys - ~ a surprising 0 (as of now)

If there is a positive side to this, it is that he keeps you on your toes. You aren't leaving baby stuff everywhere since you can't or it will be stolen. We have several burp cloths with a hole right in the middle where he chewed. It is funny... and not funny at the same time. He does steal Nathaniel's toys right out of his hands when he is playing. He is super gentle and takes it super slow. It is actually quite impressive how gentle he is, but he is in fact stealing Nate's toy. We discipline him anytime he is around Nate in a way where he could step on him just because he is so much bigger, but we do laugh since it is just sooooooo MOCHA (he does this with Kona too). Kevin and I tease about how many times little Nate is going to be saying....'Mmmmoommm Mocha took my toy again'... It makes it worth it though when I'm holding Nate and Nate is kicking Mocha repeatedly (not hard just little baby taps) when Mocha sits by me and Mocha doesn't even flinch and just lays there like a good dog. He will be a great kid dog so in the grand scheme of things that is what is important - a few chewed things becomes less of a big deal.

gotta run I think Mocha just snuck into Nate's room looking for some fun ;)

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