The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, June 25, 2012

Buggy Big Boy

Ok, so I call a shopping cart a buggy.  I've called it a buggy all my life.  I'm pretty sure my mom calls it a buggy and maybe my dad... hhhmmm I can't remember exactly, but someone somewhere calls it that for sure since that is all I know.

Nathaniel had his first taste of sitting up high in a buggy this past Sunday.  I have just been putting him in his stroller and only buying what groceries would fit in the stroller basket.  He has probably been ready for this new adventure for awhile, but I hadn't bought a cart cover.  Yes, I am one of those people who is afraid of the germs on the buggy.  I always use those free wipes they offer in the store.  I have seen Nate pretty much lick everything and I just couldn't handle watching him lick the handle... not after reading articles about kids getting ringworm from a cart.  Yep, you read that right RINGWORM.  Ok, ok I know the odds of him actually contracting ringworm from a cart are statistically low, but the fact that there is a statistic for that is enough for me.

I read a little bit on different covers and looked around at a few stores.  This one fits the bigger carts so I decided to go with it - Floppy Seat.  It isn't compact, but I just throw it in my car.

Nathaniel wasn't sure what to think at first as captured in the picture below.  By the end he was looking around, leaning back and enjoying himself.  These pictures are at Costco. 

On a side note we got to meet Harper while we were at Costco on Saturday (we went to Costco twice this weekend since we forgot to buy something).  Harper is the daughter of one of Kevin's coworkers (Allison).  Harper was so pretty and super happy!  She was clapping her hands and smiling at Nate.  Nate just kind of stared at her (Once again this is a subject for another blog - I need to get this boy around more people his own age since I think he just can't believe his eyes when there is another baby around)

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

I have bought 2 floppy covers and I LOVE them!! A pink and a blue :) It fits any cart, any high chair, and I love how it folds up. He looks like such a big boy!