The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Few Things I Didn't Know I'd Say or Do

- "Let me take that booger"
- Be able to change a baby as he lays on his stomach. (That silly boy rolls over the minute you lay him down and squiggles and squirms) Diaper and outfit changing has become quite the test in patience
- "What was his poop like?"
- Laugh as Nathaniel thinks the door stopper is the most exciting thing EVER. boing boing boing. He loves that spring.
- Learn that even the smallest particle on the floor is a new discovery so I have to clean areas I didn't even know existed (well sort of)
- That I'd repeat Kona or Mocha's name repeatedly and in a weird voice so that they keep wagging their tails. Nate LOVES watching those tails and tries to grab them.
- That I'd kiss anyone's feet so much. Baby feet are soo cute. I figure I have limited time until they become dirty ;)
- Learn to watch TV through babbling and not really care
- "Is that honeydew in his hair?"
- "Oh no, we forgot the giraffe, turn around" This is important because the giraffe is his favorite chew toy.
- "Does the pooh bear thingy say the bath is the right temp?"
- Sing every song I know (or don't know with made up words) to keep Nathaniel occupied while I'm in the shower, or car, or anywhere else requiring it
- Cheer loudly just for someone to put something in their mouth by themselves... haha ...he is doing well with his yogurt melts (and has eaten honeydew and banana pieces)  :)
- Freak out more now when I drive (or Kevin drives) since I have extra special cargo!
- Know and can sing songs like 'hot diggity dog' or the beginning of baby einstein
- Have an opinion on Elmo's voice - SUPER annoying btw
- Put a sign on the door that says 'Don't knock or ring bell' just leave whatever you have... haha... Kona barks loud so it isn't worth it to have anyone disturb the nap!
- Go to the mall and not go into ANY woman's clothing stores
- Put serious effort into experimenting with the best way to mix formula and water
- Get spit on repeatedly during lunch and sort of chuckle because that is the messiest raspberry making face I've ever seen.
- Learn that I don't have the shortest attention span of anyone I know (Nate does)
- That I'd have to carry a baby around superman style - you know like he is flying (he will wiggle endlessly until you do this so I just give in)
- "Does this smell?" "Does this?" "Does this feel wet to you"
- Learn to maneuver a stroller through doors that don't open automatically. Some doors are quite challenging.
This was just a quick list off the top of my head... more lists to come
Nate Note: Nathaniel is officially doing the army man crawl.  Somewhere in Arizona he managed to become quite skilled at roaming around the floor. He no longer rolls to his destination but crawls there army man style.  He does get up on all fours and rocks back and forth so a true crawl will probably be coming soon.  I have mixed feelings because while I'm happy for his progress I'm already having to chase him around more.  I can already imagine what my days are going to be like.....  I will be chasing Nate and Mocha around like a crazy woman.  I better go buy a baby fence (jail) Wish me luck!

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