The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day with the Hahm's

Our Memorial day wasn't filled with BBQ or cornhole (a game I had never ever heard of until I moved out of AZ), but it was filled with little home improvement projects and staring at Nathaniel. Kevin's parents knew we had a few things on our list so they were ready to help. We thought they were only going to stay one night and they were able to stay a few more so we got to work. We were glad they could stay a few extra nights but sad that Kevin's mom's (Sandy) brother Alan lost his battle with cancer this past weekend. Our thoughts are with her and Alan's family)  I know Kevin especially had fond memories with him golfing - his joyous personality will be missed :(  

There were almost record setting temperatures so we didn't do anything outside for fun. We did change the coach lights outside our garage and back porch, paint our laundry room and install a utility sink with a cabinet. While Kevin's mom helped here or there she was primarily given the job of watching Nate. A job I don't think she minded! I was doing something at one point and I went upstairs to find everyone. Everyone was in Nate's room laughing at him. He was doing this new inch wormy scooch backwards move. Goofy little boy. I think he is trying out new ways to move. Maybe just maybe he will crawl - we'll see.  .

Nathaniel really enjoys playing with Grandma Hahm's earrings and eyeglasses.  Since I don't wear earrings these were very fun things to explore.  He also enjoyed staring at Grandpa Hahm working on his computer.  It always looked like he wanted to know what he was doing.  I think he was secretly hoping Grandpa was ordering toys for him ;)

This is us being cool :) Even Kona got in the picture

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