The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Maybe a Little Too Honest

Nathaniel is really starting to get the 'Yes' and 'No' answering system down.  It has taken him a lot longer to learn 'Yes' than 'No'. Up until the last month or so you would know he meant 'Yes' if he repeated what you said or looked at you in a special way.  And you still have to prompt him sometimes when you ask something. "Are you hungry?  Yes or No?" 

Now, I know this isn't the most interesting subject, but what cracks me up is how honest he is with his answers.  I wonder when we lost that natural honesty.  If we want to say 'No' we sometimes hem haw around because we feel bad just saying 'No' outright.  Not Nate.  I can't think of all the times he says 'No' because they are so spontaneous and funny, but here are some regulars that come up.

Me: Do you want to pick up your toys?   Nate: (no hesitation) No  
Me: Do you want to try and go pee pee before we go?   Nate: (again no hesitation) No
Me: Do you want to watch a show?   Nate: Yes
Me: Can mommy read you a book so daddy can go to work?   Nate: No, mommy downstairs (dad is so much better at it)
Me: Do you want to go to Target, Costco, anywhere?   Nate: No, no Target, Costco, anywhere
Me: Do you want kisses? Nate: No
Me: Can Mocha drink some water?  Nate: No

HHHHmmm there does indeed seem to be a trend.  I swear he does say 'Yes' sometimes, really I swear. Really!  

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