The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ready, Set, Go

Christmas has started in the Hahm household.  It started with a birthday visit from my friend who I've been friends with since 8th grade.  It is always so great seeing her (Kelly).  We don't skip a beat.  I love that she loves seeing and being around Nathaniel.  It is always so hard to see her leave.  I'm pretty sure we squeeze a years worth of talking into a few days. We had fun black friday shopping, eating Thanksgiving dinner and hanging out at Opryland resort.  Opryland was all decked out for Christmas and kicked off the holiday season.  Nathaniel was looking for Kelly the morning she left. :(  He kept saying 'Kelly go bye bye'  and when Kevin got home later that day and he heard the garage he said 'Kelly home?'  Sad.  

But, on a happier note, we put up our tree and started putting up some decorations.  Kevin got the lights up outside even.  Everyday Nathaniel cannot wait to turn the lights on.  I have a ways to go to fully decorate the house, but soon everything will be festive.  

Two things that we have been doing everyday is 1) Elf on the shelf.  My friend Karen bought us this since she also had this tradition.  Nathaniel understands it better this year and wants to hear the book everyday and look to see where the elf is every morning.  We don't do any elaborate scenes with the elf like others do (not this year) we just move him around the house.  While it is a fun tradition the elf can be a little creepy when it is staring at you from the window sill haha… I'm sure I'll have a nightmare where the elf is attacking me.  Hopefully the dogs will save me.  And the second thing we have been doing is 2) Santa advent calendar. Nathaniel has been glueing a cotton ball to Santa's beard everyday.  He is so proud to show Kevin when he gets home from work.  

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