The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fake Phone Calls

I don't talk on the phone a lot.  It's very rare, especially in front on Nathaniel so it's been especially funny to see him pretend talk on the phone.  It's a real eye opener into what he observes in our lives.  He uses a fan remote as the phone.  He picks it up and says one of two things usually... It's either 'Hello, yes I'll take some rice and beans, ok thanks, bye' or 'Hello, mocha and kaka doggie daycare tomorrow, thanks, bye'  

Sooooo, apparently all he hears me do is order take out and plan day care for the dogs hahaha.  Kind of funny.  I just love that he orders rice and beans.  Cracks me up.  Sometimes he adds 'yes, this is Nathaniel' It catches me off guard because the fake phone could be anywhere.  I'll take a chuckle any day of the week especially lately.  With all of the moving stuff (selling house, buying house, etc. etc. it's been somewhat chaotic and out of routine for us)

Let's hope I blog sooner ... until next time.

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