The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I Love You

Naptime and Bedtime is quite the routine ... actually it can be described more like a poorly tuned orchestra.  That is one thing I never knew about being a parent before being a parent.  I guess I always thought you just put the kids to bed and that's that - PJ's on, brush teeth, tuck in... that's it... 5 minutes tops.  Oh was I wrong, so wrong.  Of course, I know every kid is different and I freely admit I have NO IDEA what other people's kids naptime/bedtime routines consist of.  Maybe I'm experiencing something unique, but I doubt it.  

The routine definitely gets longer and more complicated as he gets older.  When he was a baby you just put PJ"s on, changed his diaper, rocked him a little and off he went to sleep.  Then, we added a story or two or three or four to that routine.  Then added a bath here and there. Then added brushing teeth.  Then added potty time.  Then added 'reflect on your day' time (which is just going over what we did that day), Then added crazy lunatic laughing hysterically running around time.  Wait wait wait, maybe it's that last one that sucks up the most time. :)  I'm pretty sure its a good hour of nighttime routine, possibly more, I can't keep track any more.  

On occasion (mostly when I'm by myself) I can be exhausted by the end of the day and I just want to go downstairs and veg out and watch some brainless TV show so I try to rush this routine.  But, I'm never successful.  When I think about it, It is one of the best times of the day for the most part.  We have a pretty good time.  It is some good quality time too.  I know it is super cliche to say 'I won't always have this so I better cherish it now', but I do feel that way.  He asks me, 'stay a few more minutes' and who can say no to that sweet request.  So I lay by his crib a few more minutes and soak up a few more laughs as he cracks himself up.  The latest thing that cracks him up is him babbling something and then saying 'That's not Engalish' (I realize I added an 'a' in English, but that is more how he says it so I wanted you to feel the true experience)

And my absolute best thing is singing a song that we have sang for over a year now.  It is a song that is always in our music class we go to, but it is a sweet song.  It's called the I Love You song.  

I Love you, I love you
From your head all the way down to your toes
I love you, I love you
From your head all the way down to your toes
So when you reach up high
And when you reach down low
Just remember, I love you, I love you
Warm breeze, tight squeeze and 
I LOVE YOU (tickle tickle tickle)

He sings it along with me and I just can't get enough of hearing him.  

Sometimes we slow dance before I put him in his crib too (he makes me go in fast circles in the end), but I just think this time is precious.  The nap time/bedtime routine is for sure waaaaaay tooooo loooong, but what else do I have to do, right? (Well, sometimes eat, but let's forget about that little detail)

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