Attitude that is. Nathaniel seems to be getting very comfortable as the boss of the house. HHhmmm that isn't right, is it? It is very possible that Kevin and I are totally in over our heads with an almost 3 year old.
Here is a sampling of the best, most used sayings
- "That's enough mommy" or "That's enough dad" with a slight hand extension. Now, this is usually us tickling him or chasing him. He may actually have had 'enough'
- "That's a pretty good idea" Of course this is usually his own idea that most likely contradicts what I've suggested. For example... I might say, "Get ready to go to the grocery store" and he will say "No grocery store, Let's go to the park, that's a pretty good idea" Another favorite is
- "Don't say that anymore" This is usually after I've told him not to pinch the dog or to finish his lunch or something.
- "NNNNNNNOOOOOOOO" ok this one isn't used a lot, thankfully, but boy is it a doozy when he does use it. His face gets red and he means business. I feel a little bad because it is so hard not to chuckle a little because of the drama of it all.
-"I want to hit you" This is one we are working on. He is definitely trying to learn how to deal with his frustrations. He is a bit of a hitter when he gets mad. This is actually a step in the right direction since now he just says it instead of trying to hit. It can also be a little scary because he says it so calmly haha, like he is calculating some bigger revenge. Nothing like a little guy to look at you straight away and say 'I want to hit you'. Oh toddler rage!
-"Mommy (or Daddy) go away" This is how he directs us who gets to play with him at any one time. For some reason he likes us only one at a time. So if dad is the playmate choice I'm told 'Mommy go away'... which is usually fine since I need to go do stuff anyway.
Nate certainly knows what he wants. I have a feeling he may have my opinionated outspoken side of the gene pool ;) or it is possible he is a spoiled only child. HHhhhmmm.