The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Not the Bill Murray movie, but you know the long horizontal lines.  Somehow Nathaniel has become obsessed with stripes.  Maybe it was a line from a book we read called 'Taking a bath with the dog'

Little girl: "What makes you happy?"
Guy sitting on bench: "Stripes" (the guy is wearing stripes, has a striped cat and hat)

We were reading that book a lot and all of a sudden he only wears stripes... who knows?!?  When I say he only wears stripes.  He only wears stripes.  I guess it isn't a whole outfit of stripes, it is limited to tshirts right now.  If you pick anything other than a stripe shirt it is a tantrumy grumpy little guy.  I'm just rolling with it hoping it will pass like so many other quirky things.  

There are two shirts that somehow are *ok* which is funny.  It's a dusty shirt from the movie airplanes and an airplane shirt from gap.  So I guess airplane shirts are also ok haha.  What is not *ok* is striped shirts with something else on them.  Being 2 almost 3 has some funny thinking :)  You will notice any pictures I post or send he will be wearing stripes.  It started a couple weeks ago.  I wonder how long it will last... hhhmmm

Note:  I still want/love/need to blog, but have been on a long, stressed out hiatus.  Now that some of that is behind us I'd like to get back in the groove... we will see!

Sometimes it is stripes top and bottom

Here is one of the 'make an exception' shirts Dusty

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