The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Tude is Alive

Attitude that is.  Nathaniel seems to be getting very comfortable as the boss of the house.  HHhmmm that isn't right, is it?  It is very possible that Kevin and I are totally in over our heads with an almost 3 year old.  

Here is a sampling of the best, most used sayings

- "That's enough mommy" or "That's enough dad" with a slight hand extension.  Now, this is usually us tickling him or chasing him.  He may actually have had 'enough'
- "That's a pretty good idea"  Of course this is usually his own idea that most likely contradicts what I've suggested.  For example... I might say, "Get ready to go to the grocery store" and he will say "No grocery store, Let's go to the park, that's a pretty good idea" Another favorite is
- "Don't say that anymore"  This is usually after I've told him not to pinch the dog or to finish his lunch or something.  
- "NNNNNNNOOOOOOOO" ok this one isn't used a lot, thankfully, but boy is it a doozy when he does use it.  His face gets red and he means business.  I feel a little bad because it is so hard not to chuckle a little because of the drama of it all. 
-"I want to hit you" This is one we are working on.  He is definitely trying to learn how to deal with his frustrations.  He is a bit of a hitter when he gets mad.  This is actually a step in the right direction since now he just says it instead of trying to hit.  It can also be a little scary because he says it so calmly haha, like he is calculating some bigger revenge.  Nothing like a little guy to look at you straight away and say 'I want to hit you'.  Oh toddler rage!
-"Mommy (or Daddy) go away" This is how he directs us who gets to play with him at any one time.  For some reason he likes us only one at a time.  So if dad is the playmate choice I'm told 'Mommy go away'... which is usually fine since I need to go do stuff anyway.  

Nate certainly knows what he wants.  I have a feeling he may have my opinionated outspoken side of the gene pool ;)  or it is possible he is a spoiled only child.  HHhhhmmm.

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