The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Possible Performer??

This kid loves to jam to music.  We usually start the day off by dancing and listening to some music videos.  Sometimes I'm allowed to join in sometimes he wants the stage to himself.  If he doesn't want me to jam with him he will say something like 'go get lunch ready mom' (remember the last post... I'm actually making breakfast usually)

So what kind of songs am I letting him dance to... hhhmm probably a lot of unapproved ones (well unapproved by the better parents)... whoops.  Sometimes he wants to jam to the Vacation Bible school songs, sometimes it is Taylor Swift.  Lots of Taylor Swift.  Shake it off and Bad Blood are his favorites right now.  He throws in a Pharell 'Happy' a lot.  He dances like a crazy kid to Bruno Mars 'Uptown Funk'.  Lately, he likes Maroon 5.  I can't argue with that logic.   See what happens is once you start a song on YouTube (or YoubaTuba as Nate would call it) other videos just start playing - that is how Maroon 5 got in to the mix. Once Again I see how YouTube can quickly get kids to the dark side and require lots of oversight.

Nate recently started playing with his umbrella.  Swinging it around, hanging it in various places... bothering the dogs... etc. Well, when I saw him dancing with it I couldn't help but show him the classic 'Dancing in the rain - Singing in the rain' with Gene Kelly.  He loved it.  Kind of cool.  So now he performs with props haha.

Does life get any better than just free styling it with your 3 year old in the morning??  It is fun to have dance parties - I get why all parents do it now.  I should add a lot of his dancing and singing occur while he is jumping on his trampoline.  Remember this all happens pretty early - could it be two night owls produced a a morning owl??? So.Much.Energy.  Don't forget to dance and sing in the morning - Nate won't!

Monday, September 14, 2015


Nathaniel can be pretty chatty sometimes.  One cute thing he has been doing is when making things past tense instead of saying for instance 'shared' he says 'share' + 'ed'.  I always repeat whatever word he says the proper way, but Kevin always says it the way Nate says it.  I told Kevin he won't learn that way.  But Kevin just said, "But it's cute"...... true, very true. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Mealtime Mix-up

What sticks and what doesn’t in a preschoolers mind is an outstanding guessing game.  Sometimes it is great and sometimes embarrassing…Things like the moon looks like a semi circle, or the phrase ‘let’s go get our freak on’ or counting by 5’s, or verses from ‘uptown funk you up’ or how a teacher bends her book to read (by the way he is ruining his hard cover books trying to bend them like you would with a paperback) or that he moves snails onto dog poop because I said once I saw one there or that a certain house matches ‘Caroline’s house’ (yes he is still stalking her) because of the trapezoidal front (yes he called it a trapezoid) or dogs names at the dog park or that going to pike market takes a long time or that we ate at the restaurant with the purple swirl.  I just never know what he is going to describe or remember and most of the time it is super impressive.  Kids are observant!

Having said that…. There is one thing he constantly says wrong and never remembers and it cracks me up.  He mixes up his mealtimes.  I don’t know if he just doesn’t find it that important and just really doesn’t care or if he wonders why eating has different names to begin with (to him food magically appears so who cares what time of day it is)

But, he will get up in the morning and we will go downstairs and he will say, “I’ll listen to camp discovery songs while you make lunch” or, Kevin will get home and he will say, “Mom is making breakfast” I honestly am not even sure he has said dinner… has he?, probably and I just don’t remember.  He never ever ever gets it right and I’ll correct him and he will repeat it and then get it wrong the next meal or day or week.  For some reason mealtimes do not stick.  It is a weird thing to not stick.  I’m going to start throwing in words like brunch, supper, early bird, etc. and just see what happens.  Maybe I can call it 1st meal, 2nd meal, 3rd meal.  What do you think, good idea?

So why does he remember the exact tree we saw a spider web on for weeks on end, but can’t remember that we need to go home and eat ‘lunch’.  Why?  Strange.