The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Urgh time is just flying by...

Birthday, Halloween and well into the new school year. Yikes.  Seriously, every time I look up another month has gone by lickedy split. 

Let's start with the new school year.  Nate is in an early/young pre k class.  We started at a new school this year that has been both a good and bad decision.  I decided he needed a bit more of a challenge in class and an extra day of school which is what led to the change.  I enjoyed his old school it just didn't have an in between class I was looking for.  The new school has been a little stressful - while the curriculum (whatever a curriculum can be in a pre k class) is exactly what I want the chemistry of the class and teacher is iffy.  That being said Nate seems to still enjoy going and is having enough fun that I haven't switched him.  Think some good thoughts that the school year will get better and that I haven't ruined my kid for life ... of course now that I have switched schools I have become better friends with the moms from the old school... go figure.  Some things just don't make sense and apparently getting older doesn't help when making these types of predictions.  At least I have a few peeps that enjoy grabbing a wine here or there and have similarly aged little guys - that is a huge thing for me, sometimes nothing soothes like some wine and learning what other 4ish yr olds do :)  

Switching schools confused me in party planning and I ended up just not planning anything for Nate's big turning 4!  I feel a little bad - he doesn't really know he missed out on anything, but seeing him enjoy another little boys party made me feel sad.  Regardless, he is always spoiled and his dad and I made it a special day for him.  He got a space cake and decorations everywhere and a visit from Aunt Krista right before his big day.  I mean the kid isn't lacking any L-O-V-E that is for sure.  He got to be the Miracle for the day in his class and I brought a special school approved snack (man the rules are very particular in schools... no nuts, nothing that is made by nuts, nothing homemade, only fruit cut super small, no overly sugary stuff, basically only cheddar crackers and cheese is approved hahaha.. maybe not cheese if there are dairy allergies... oy vey) Anyway, Happy Birthday Little dude, little schnizzle, sweet sweet...  You continue to be the best thing I could have every hoped for, dreamed of, wanted, knew was possible and your goofiness continues to make us laugh all the time.

Star Wars has finally entered our lives.  That was what we got him as bday gifts since the new movie is coming out and it seems like Star Wars stuff is everywhere and who could pass up buying some stormtroopers and a Millennium falcon... Not that he really knows what Star Wars is or can even see the new movie, but we got a book or two and now he is into it.  Another great gift he got for his birthday was a fire truck/bus fort, fire themed book and outfit from his grandma mimi.  This would become his Halloween outfit too.  

Aahhh Halloween.  Nate still isn't really into playing dress up.  He doesn't particularly like anything on his head or face which makes Halloween ... um ... let's say... interesting.  He also doesn't particularly like things on our heads or faces.  He looked super cute as a fireman though and headed out for trick or treating.  It was super rainy so kids came in between downpours.  He made it to the 2nd house and a moving character kind of scared him and that pretty much ended trick or treating for him - Kevin coaxed him into a few more.  He was pretty proud of the candy he got from the houses nearby.  Handing out candy became the highlight.  He enjoyed putting candy into the sacks.  Success!

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