The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, October 2, 2015

London Bridge

London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.... oh wait, that is just Nate.. off of his bed. He first fell off the bed in Orlando right after his 2nd birthday.  We were visiting Disney World and he would not sleep in a pack and play anymore so we put him on the bed between us to sleep.  He scooted all the way down and fell off the bottom of the bed. Big THUMP.  He was fairly unphased (not so much me though) THUMPs are scary.

The next fall was this past Feb in Boulder City NV.  It was just me and Nate in a big bed and he just fell right off the side.  He cried a bit, but relatively unscathed.  

He has been in a toddler bed for awhile, but it has had a toddler rail on it.  We decided to take the rail off about a month or so ago since he kept bumping his knee on it.  Well, just in the last week or so he keeps rolling off the bed.  Luckily, it is only 8 inches off of the ground so he just kind of grumbles and keeps sleeping.  Totally cracks me up.  There is a blanket and pillow etc by his bed in case we lay there with him so when he falls it is like falling on a cloud (assuming he doesn't hit the bed frame). We've moved him back on the bed on occasion, but have left him on the ground too and he eventually finds his way back up.  Super funny.  If I get a pic I'll post it :) 

This kid brings up every detail of everything all the time, but has yet to bring up falling off the bed.  Does he not notice?  Does he not remember?  I don't bring it up because I don't want it to become a big deal or anything.  I guess we won't be moving him to a higher bed quite yet.

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