The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Catch-up March

I know it has been quite an abbreviated version, but here goes a quick recap of March.

- I was filling out a 'baby belly' memory book and realized I'm quite a boring pregnant person thus far.  I haven't had morning sickness, no food aversions or cravings, not overly hormonal (Kevin may disagree that I haven't been moody hahaha, but I don't think any more than normal).... so I am thanking thanking thanking the pregnancy fairies for an easy pregnancy so far.  I do appreciate an afternoon nap here and there, but then again maybe I always liked afternoon naps and now I can just blame them on baby Hahm :) 
3/18 - 2nd Ultrasound to do some genetic screening tests and overall health check.  We could see the little heart blob beating at a rapid pace - very cool! The video below shows our little baby Hahm (aka 'baby skeletor') waving to the world for the first time.  

Weekend 3/18 - We decided to tell our immediate families since things seemed to be going in the right direction.  We shared the news by emailing all of the parents 3 videos from our ultrasound.  The news and the content of the email was quite a surprise as I am pretty sure they had all given up on us ever having kids (I mean kid).  It was a great feeling sharing this exciting (life changing) news.  Now, I'd be lying if I didn't tell you how while I'm excited I'm equally SCARED of the whole process. 

- We have slowly been sharing the news with our closest friends.  I get a little chatty when I'm telling these folks because it just feels like I have held in this secret for so so long.  I appreciate that everyone indulges me and listens. 

Catch-up - February

Sooo ... here is what transpired in February

- Managing to hide the news from pretty much everyone on this trip was quite a difficult task.  We decided we weren't sharing any news until the end of the first trimester to ensure we had a few Dr. appts under our belt.  My sister and Kelly Reese did get to know our secret - so that at least let me burn off some anxiety and it was great to share the news with these two special ladies!! 

** I did have one little secret mishap... a good friend of mine Kerry came over to grab some lunch.  I hid anything baby related and was doing my best job of acting like nothing new was going on in the Hahm household.  We headed to my bedroom so I could throw on some make-up and she looked on my nightstand to see what i was reading... and there it was like a huge neon sign ... a 'what to expect when your expecting' book under my other book... the look on Kerry's face was priceless and honestly it felt kind of great to have someone in Nashville in on my little secret.**

2/18 - First ultrasound and confirmation that there was indeed a baby in there WOW WOW WOW ... (first pic below)

Catch-up - January is a quick recap of what transpired in January..

1/26 - took first pregnancy test.... 'ERROR' so we waited until the next morning...
1/27 - took second pregnancy test... 'PREGNANT'... first reaction was pretty much disbelief.  I texted Kevin right away.... Yes that is how Kevin found out, not the best reveal I guess :)  Although Kevin said I should probably take the third test included in the package.. I'm thinking his first reaction was disbelief too.  Of course 'PREGNANT' was result of third test. As I am pretty clueless about pregnancy I ran out immediately and bought a book.
1/28 - Headed to Nevada/Arizona for a preplanned trip.  Kevin and I were basically in shock at this point and here we were starting a vacation.  Needless to say I read that book the entire plane trip and tried to soak in all of the knowledge I could squish in my brain.