The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Every article, book, advice column, neighbor, friend, stranger you eaves drop on at the park all say that at some point your toddler's favorite word will be 'NO'. Because of this I figure it is only a matter of time before I hear this word a lot more than I currently do. I feel like I know the basics (real simple basics). For example, you aren't suppose to use the word 'NO' so much that your toddler becomes immune to its meaning. Or use it so much it becomes their favorite word.
Honestly, this is so hard. I find myself using the word all the time. I'm consciously aware of trying to not use it, but it just happens. I tend to use it a lot with Mocha too so that doesn't help. (I love that dog to death, but he is still an explorer)
All this has led to Nathaniel having an on/off love affair with this word. He actually has two versions 'No' and 'No, no, no'. Yep, he gets that from me. I tend to use 'No, no, no' when I'm using a *soft* no like if he is headed towards a gross trash can or giving crayons to Mocha. Kids do really pick up on everything you say! His use of 'No' has been sort of funny for the most part and not overly tantrumy or bratty - we'll see if that changes. He has used the word conservatively for months, but recently there has been an uptick in its use. Here are some 'No's from the last couple of days.
Mocha ran off with a toy (that Nathaniel actually gave to him) and then he came to me and pointed to Mocha and said, 'No, no, no' 
Kevin asked him if he wants a million dollars.... 'No'
I asked him if he wanted to change his diaper ... somewhat of a stern 'No'
Kevin asked him if the light was on... he said 'No' (it was on)
I asked him if he was the cutest boy ever...apparently the answer is 'No'
He showed me the water faucet he left running...while pointing and looking shocked he added 'No, no, no'
Do you want to eat dinner... 'No'
Do you want to give me hugs ...'No'
Do you want milk...'No' (while grabbing his cup and downing the milk)
Kevin asked him if he wants 2 million dollars... still 'No'
Did you poop your pants ... 'No' (he was right)
I wish it wasn't so darn cute when he said it. He says it with such certainty. I teased Kevin and said this trait of saying things with that assertive certainty starts early for boys. I was sort of kidding (cuz girl toddlers all do this as well), but kind of not too. It brought me back to my working days when I would notice in business meetings (heated, not heated, super important or not) that women usually showed more doubt in their answers then men. Most likely, at least from my experience, if a woman really doesn't feel at least 80% confident in an answer you can tell right away because there is some wavering. Men usually only had to feel 37% confident in the answer to come off like they knew exactly what they were talking about. I've confronted a few male friends about this... the is easy to change the answer later. Also, a lot of people don't remember what was said (or don't care) and at least they came off as confident leaders.... something to think about... huh? Maybe it starts with a confident toddler 'NO, No, no' ;)
So I asked Nathaniel do you ever say 'YES'.... he said 'No' (pretty true, but there are some exceptions - like tortilla chips - he says 'YES' to those) His love for tortilla chips is part of the DNA I gave him, YUM

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