The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 5, 2013

On/Off, Bounce, Again

Nathaniel, on occasion, is a bit obsessive. I don't know if this is a normal toddler behavior, but it is sure Nathaniel's thing. He really doesn't mind doing the same thing over and over and over and over... you get the point. How does he not get bored or want to do new things?? What is perplexing is that his attention span is about 1min, but if it is something he is obsessing over his attention span is still 1 min haha.. so how does having a short attention span and being obsessive work together? The answer: short repetitions of the exact same things.
For example, Kevin showed him how the ceiling fan goes on and off (thx Kevin!). Now that is one of the most fun activities of the day. Actually, other things that go on and off are fair game too. Dining room lights, kitchen lights, lamps, water faucets. But I could be holding the newest, coolest thing ever and making balloon animals and dancing on my head and juggling the dogs and if I looked over at Nate he'd just say..'OFF' and point to the fan. And if I turned the fan 'OFF' and continued doing amazing feats of awesomeness he'd just look back at me and say 'ON'. I gave in and decided to teach him new words to go with On/Off... like the fan is going FAST and now the fan is going SLOW. Yep, so he learned those and just throws them in the mix. How many times can the fan be exciting? I guess until Kevin shows him some other thing. Oh wait, he already did.
Bounce. Bounce. Kevin and Nathaniel love bouncing on the exercise ball. To be fair Nathaniel has always liked bouncing on that ball, but lately it has become a ride. While it is good for my thighs, I think, getting asked to bounce in between turning the fan on and off can be quite tiring.
Again, again, again, again. This is the newest word for replaying youtube videos. Oh when I say youtube video(s)... what I really mean to say is youtube video. We don't get to watch a variety of videos only 'La La Lullaby (mentioned in a previous blog) and now 'Animal Sounds' by kids123 tv. The video ends and he looks up with this huge smile and says 'AGAIN'
So are you starting to see how part of my day goes. On/Off, bounce, again, On/Off, bounce, again.... Luckily, he will be obsessed with something new by next week. Now you might ask - why do you just do what he wants to do all day. Have you tried reasoning with a 21 month old?? Good Luck. Although mostly it is because he snuggles during the youtube videos and I'll take snuggles when I can get them. The dogs are usually in the room with us (of course) and I would love to know what they think. Mocha sometimes looks up when the fan goes back on as if to say ' seriously wasn't that just on - just leave it on - I can't sleep with the breeze coming and going'

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