The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Daddy Daddy Daddy

This is what Nathaniel likes to say A LOT.  Where's Daddy?  I want Daddy? So how do I feel about Nate being a daddy's boy???  

There are days I get annoyed.  For instance, when I tell him, "No" or discipline him for something he tends to want *Daddy*  (Is Daddy more of a pushover (I mean nicer) than Mommy?..... uh yes.  ;)  Daddy hugs are also more comforting for some reason - I think its because of the bigger arm reach, right? right? 

There are also days I am not annoyed at all.  For instance, at 3am when he wakes up he yells for *Daddy* While I never ever want Nate scared etc. I don't mind sleeping while *Daddy* checks on him.  He also likes *Daddy* to put him to bed...yep, free time for mom (well sort of, I end up vacuuming or doing laundry, things off the to-do list or I get to give the dogs some extra love and attention which is great or catch up on a DVR'd show... ok yep the to-do list sometimes gets ignored)

I guess some Mommy's would never ever admit this, let alone blog about it, but it's all in good fun.  How can I ever mind my son loving his dad.  I'd rather have a dad that pays his son so much attention that he has become a Daddy's boy than a loser deadbeat dad.  Plus, I get a lot of hugs and 'I Love You's' (even when Dad is around) so I'm not to jealous.... YET.... I can't wait to use the line "I labored for like 16 hours and had a major surgery for you yada yada yada" :)  

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