The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, September 12, 2014

Nate Goes to School

Well, sort of... It's a 2 hour 2 day a week preschool thing.  It is a class called 'Older 2's' He has not had a lot of opportunity to be around a lot of kids his age - that's what we get for moving around a lot and being away from family :(  We thought it might be a bit of a confidence booster if he had some socialization and a chance to be around someone other than us (we aren't that exciting).  He tends to shy away from crowds and kids at the park and stuff.  Now that I write that though it could be about me or Kevin too hahaha... it is definitely in his genes.  

The meet and greet with the teachers was on Tues and his first *alone* class was today (Thurs).  At the meet and greet he held my hand the whole time and any time a kid came close he would say 'Let's get out of here'.  I was extremely nervous/anxious/mortified/stressed out/sweaty/etc. etc. - was this the right thing to do? Should I wait a year?  Am I setting him up to be on a future episode of Dr. Phil where he recalls his traumatic experience at 'Older 2's' class???!!! 

So Thurs came.  First of all, I didn't plan very early and his backpack I ordered isn't here yet so his bag was an old beach bag I had with a masking tape across it with his name on it.  It looked pretty jalopy, especially since the tape wasn't sticking that well haha...  I know the kids don't care, but I'm sure some mom probably noticed :)  The whole way there he said 'We can stay one minute mom' .... I was thinking to myself .. it's going to be a bit longer than one minute.... 

We were at the classroom door.  We hung his stuff up and quick like ripping off a band-aid I said "Bye, have a great time, I'll be back soon" and left.  That is how we were instructed to do it, of course I follow directions ;)  I walked off.  No tears (me or him).  I then, like a good sneaky mom does, peered through the foggy glass blocks hoping to get a glimpse of him.  It looked like he was playing, the teacher was kneeling beside him.  So off I went.  I crouched the whole way up the walk way looking into the window.  There are 2 teachers and 8 students.  

Any guesses as to what I went and did??  Yep, Starbucks.  Then I went and looked at a pediatrician office, went to the grocery store and picked up Kona for a vet appt (Kona broke her toe and is in a cast for 6 weeks - that is for another blog).  The 2 hours was over.... I had the Imperial March theme song in my head as I walked towards the school.  I walked up to the classroom door and the teacher was walking him out to the hallway.  He looked at me and shouted "I did it, I did it mom" and was smiling so big and running towards me. Yep, I was teary eyed.  I looked over at the preschool director and she was a little too (I had met here a few times prior) It's possible she just had allergies.  That was definitely a Hallmark moment for me.  I was just so relieved and proud and excited for him.  I was so scared he'd hate it and be sad.   

He then was talking and talking and talking.  About how a bell rings and light comes on and that is when recess is over... and that he ate all his popcorn at snack time... they read a book.... they had circle time... I just loved that he was so chatty.

I could breath again - for the 2 hours he was in there I didn't.  

I liked that he was jumping :)

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