The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fall Fun

We have been to a couple of pumpkin patches this year.  He sort of likes picking out a pumpkin.  He kind of sees a pretty good one and that is it - that's the one.  He mostly just says - that one is too big, or that one isn't square (he likes the cartoon Spookly the square pumpkin) He remembers the corn tubs from last year and we keep looking for one here, but can't find one.  A corn tub is just where you dig and scoop feed corn.  They were everywhere in Nashville, not sure why we can't find one here.  O-well.  What he does enjoy this year is the corn maze.  He has a lot of fun walking through the maze.  He thinks it is funny when we run into a dead end.  I was waiting outside the maze when we went as a family and when they came out, Nate was running, he was so excited he made it out.

The other pumpkin patch we went to was with his preschool class.  We took a hay ride, which he was sort of hesitant about.  We then picked out a pumpkin.  All was good.  He could care less about me in the pumpkin patch - he just kept wanting to show his teachers a pumpkin.  He sure likes them.  I'd be looking down at a pumpkin and he'd be walking towards his teacher.  We headed to a train ride next.  All the other parents set their kids on the train so I figured parents weren't allowed on... Nate was very very very hesitant.  I just sat him up there next to a kid in his class and walked off.  I was secretly cringing knowing that this would be the very VERY first time he did anything like this alone.  Milestone right? or child abuse?  hhhmmm  The train took off.  I waited there so nervous not knowing if there were tears or yells or who knows.  The train pulled around and he wasn't crying, but he was mad at me.  He had a mean look on his face.  The look had went from scared when they took off to just mad. I just made a big deal about it - "Wow, Nate that was so brave" and kept smiling headed to the next scheduled activity.  

Next, we ate snacks in a pretty little log cabin farm house.  We sat by a fire pit and ran around Christmas trees.  At Christmastime this farm is a Christmas tree farm.  The other kids were in the bouncy house and big slide (Not Nate's cup of tea) I didn't even try to force him.  It was a really beautiful day and our first field trip.  Our first field trip!

There is a Daddy and Me pumpkin carving activity coming up at his preschool so that will be fun for the both of them.  It will be Dad's first time to participate.  It feels pretty good.

The beginning of the train ride

the end of the train ride

Corn maze

Saturday, October 18, 2014

My Little Chef

Play kitchen, real kitchen he can be a chef anywhere.  We got him a little play kitchen for his birthday to add to his fun.  He seems to like it, especially the mini appliances.  Mostly the mini appliances.  They are super cute though. They are a mini coffee maker, blender and mixer.  You can actually put water in them and turn them on.  Pretty cute.  

What I really enjoy is having him help me in the real kitchen.  We've been doing this more and more.  Pancakes are a real easy one for him to help me.  He likes to sit up on the counter and mix stuff.  Muffins or banana bread work really well too.  They aren't complicated and he likes dumping the ingredients in and mixing.  Now the funny part is that he hates to get stuff on him.  Yep, I'm to blame for that I'm sure.  He is just a clean kid.  He is a pretty clean eater too because of this same reason.  Besides using his shirt as a napkin he leaves the table pretty spot free.  Anyway, while he is mixing if he gets even a little on himself he stops and waits for me to get him a napkin or wipe it off haha.  I definitely don't have the kid covered in spaghetti or mud.  He does get his hands a little muddy when we are throwing rocks, but its throwing rocks he makes exceptions ;)  

Now, I just let him help me mix and pour... the easy stuff.  I don't have him around heat for sure yet.  He gets excited when I bring it up and usually interests him for at least 15 min (long for a 3yr old, my 3yr old anyway).  We made something new the other night - Pizza.  He spread the sauce on the dough, sprinkled the cheese and put on toppings.  He plays with a pizza food toy my mom got him where you put on toppings and cut it, pretend pizza... I think he really liked playing the real thing!

Do the recipes come out perfect when he is helping - No... some flour does't make it in the bowl or flings out when he is mixing, lots of things are under/over mixed,  there was more cheese on certain sections of the pizza... etc. etc. but it is sure fun watching him take it all in.  From the little I know about toddlers/preschoolers (observing Nate really) you can't underestimate how much it means to them to feel useful and helpful.  On the days we make something he can hardly contain himself when dad walks in the door - he wants to show him what he made.  The smile, the excitement, it feels so confidence boosting.  

I just hope he continues wanting to be my sous chef until he gets .. um ... forever!  

Monday, October 13, 2014

Take me out

to the ballgame... take me out with the crowd .. buy me some peanuts ... Of course, there are a million things (well maybe a thousand) (actually maybe a hundred, my memory is starting to go) I remember about my childhood, but one of the most consistent is baseball.  My dad has always been a baseball fan for as long as I can remember.  I know he loved it growing up and still does.  It may seem weird that listening to a baseball game on the radio in an old tan ranchero brings about a smile instead of a boring eye roll to a little girl, but it does.  I tease about it, but it is a piece of my childhood with my dad that feels like home.  We had baseball on the radio a lot and we had it on the tv as well.  Dodger Blue is what I remember cheering on - this was before Phx had a team. 

We didn't just listen and watch baseball, we went to batting cages all the time too. I still have a great time going to a batting cage.  I remember playing in the park when my dad had softball games.  Baseball is just in my dad's blood.  I guess since I have a little bit of that blood I have a soft spot for baseball too.  

As I got older I enjoyed grabbing a beer and watching a spring training game, or a real game.  The first thing that comes to our minds when thinking of a present for him is tickets to a ball game, or a shirt with his favorite team logo.  It shouldn't be any surprise to me that Nate likes to throw rocks.  I think baseball will be in his blood too (Kevin liked to play baseball too so I guess he will have a little influence haha). 

Well, my dad just added to my fond memories of him and I and baseball when he came to visit.  He bought Nathaniel his first glove and ball.  I can't tell you how much I loved's one of those things that you imagine and when it happens it is better than you imagine.  It happened quick and fast and I'm sure no one even noticed how much it meant to me, but it did!  My dad had bought Nate a brewers outfit (Nice of him to think of Kevin) and he has bought him Dbacks stuff.... but the glove and ball just felt so cool.  I remember thinking when we found out we were going to have a boy that my dad would have someone to throw the ball to (not that he couldn't to a girl, but you know what I mean)... Anyway, we did a lot of fun things in Seattle (Pike Place Market, Snoqualmie Falls, The Aquarium, Ferry ride to Bainbridge Island, Monorail ride, drinking beers and visiting and playing play doh), but I will definitely remember Nate getting his first baseball glove from Grandpa Davis the most :)  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

20 Questions

Well, actually, maybe more then 20 questions.  Like a million questions.  I'm not sure when questioning is a thing for toddlers, but boy o boy has something new begun here.  It isn't the 'Why is the sky blue?' "Why does grass grow?' 'How do cars work?' The questions are more 'Why did you say that?' 'Why did you go this way?' 'Where is my school?' 'What is this?' (this is an interesting one because a lot A LOT of the time he knows exactly what it is that he is asking about) 'How is it raining?' 'What did that lady say?'

I can't think of all the examples from today right now... of course(distracted by catching up on DVR'd shows maybe)... but it never stops... all day.  What is amazing is that he can ask the exact same question 10 times in a row.  I don't know if he doesn't like your answer or just wants to confirm it 10 times.  I sometimes don't even notice I'm answering it that many times.  Sometimes I catch myself changing the subject.  We will see where this new thing goes.  As a scientist I don't mind the incessant questioning and exploring.  BUT, I could see how a year, or two, or three of this could start to drive you mad.  

On a side note: I've noticed a very literal side of Nathaniel lately.  I held a banana up like it was a phone and he said 'No mommy that's a banana' or when I tried to put duck feet on my hands he really wanted them on my feet.  Or when we drive by this castle looking house I say 'Aunt Krista is a princess in the castle, say Hi to Aunt Krista' and he immediately goes 'No, Aunt Krista is in Arizona' ... This makes me laugh and then quickly realize the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ...hhhhmmm