The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 18, 2014

My Little Chef

Play kitchen, real kitchen he can be a chef anywhere.  We got him a little play kitchen for his birthday to add to his fun.  He seems to like it, especially the mini appliances.  Mostly the mini appliances.  They are super cute though. They are a mini coffee maker, blender and mixer.  You can actually put water in them and turn them on.  Pretty cute.  

What I really enjoy is having him help me in the real kitchen.  We've been doing this more and more.  Pancakes are a real easy one for him to help me.  He likes to sit up on the counter and mix stuff.  Muffins or banana bread work really well too.  They aren't complicated and he likes dumping the ingredients in and mixing.  Now the funny part is that he hates to get stuff on him.  Yep, I'm to blame for that I'm sure.  He is just a clean kid.  He is a pretty clean eater too because of this same reason.  Besides using his shirt as a napkin he leaves the table pretty spot free.  Anyway, while he is mixing if he gets even a little on himself he stops and waits for me to get him a napkin or wipe it off haha.  I definitely don't have the kid covered in spaghetti or mud.  He does get his hands a little muddy when we are throwing rocks, but its throwing rocks he makes exceptions ;)  

Now, I just let him help me mix and pour... the easy stuff.  I don't have him around heat for sure yet.  He gets excited when I bring it up and usually interests him for at least 15 min (long for a 3yr old, my 3yr old anyway).  We made something new the other night - Pizza.  He spread the sauce on the dough, sprinkled the cheese and put on toppings.  He plays with a pizza food toy my mom got him where you put on toppings and cut it, pretend pizza... I think he really liked playing the real thing!

Do the recipes come out perfect when he is helping - No... some flour does't make it in the bowl or flings out when he is mixing, lots of things are under/over mixed,  there was more cheese on certain sections of the pizza... etc. etc. but it is sure fun watching him take it all in.  From the little I know about toddlers/preschoolers (observing Nate really) you can't underestimate how much it means to them to feel useful and helpful.  On the days we make something he can hardly contain himself when dad walks in the door - he wants to show him what he made.  The smile, the excitement, it feels so confidence boosting.  

I just hope he continues wanting to be my sous chef until he gets .. um ... forever!  

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