The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

20 Questions

Well, actually, maybe more then 20 questions.  Like a million questions.  I'm not sure when questioning is a thing for toddlers, but boy o boy has something new begun here.  It isn't the 'Why is the sky blue?' "Why does grass grow?' 'How do cars work?' The questions are more 'Why did you say that?' 'Why did you go this way?' 'Where is my school?' 'What is this?' (this is an interesting one because a lot A LOT of the time he knows exactly what it is that he is asking about) 'How is it raining?' 'What did that lady say?'

I can't think of all the examples from today right now... of course(distracted by catching up on DVR'd shows maybe)... but it never stops... all day.  What is amazing is that he can ask the exact same question 10 times in a row.  I don't know if he doesn't like your answer or just wants to confirm it 10 times.  I sometimes don't even notice I'm answering it that many times.  Sometimes I catch myself changing the subject.  We will see where this new thing goes.  As a scientist I don't mind the incessant questioning and exploring.  BUT, I could see how a year, or two, or three of this could start to drive you mad.  

On a side note: I've noticed a very literal side of Nathaniel lately.  I held a banana up like it was a phone and he said 'No mommy that's a banana' or when I tried to put duck feet on my hands he really wanted them on my feet.  Or when we drive by this castle looking house I say 'Aunt Krista is a princess in the castle, say Hi to Aunt Krista' and he immediately goes 'No, Aunt Krista is in Arizona' ... This makes me laugh and then quickly realize the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ...hhhhmmm

1 comment:

Grandpa John said...

Why did you say that?