The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Negotiator

I don't quite remember this movie, but it had Kevin Spacey in it so it must have been good, right?  I love watching, learning, observing how Nathaniel's personality is forming.  It is hard to know now if things are a phase or if it is *him*.  I can tell the lines are getting blurred (not in the yucky Robin Thicke/Miley way) now that he is a whopping 3 years old.  The not so great things I tell myself are definitely a phase (tantrums, being particular, those kind of things) and the fun things (him putting weird stuff on his head and calling me in and laughing, cleaning up, etc.) are *him* haha... wishful thinking probably. 

One thing is for sure though... he is quite the negotiator.  Maybe he will be a lawyer or salesmen when he grows up.  It started out small.  I think I even mentioned it in a blog or two.  He used to ask for 'just a few more minutes' of iPad.  Or for you to stay laying with him 'just a few more minutes, ok mom'.  But, he has taken it up a notch for sure.  It is almost like chess.  He strategizes a few steps ahead of you now.  If you aren't paying attention 'WHAM' you've been had. He has pulled a fast one on both of us more then once ;)  

Couple pieces of evidence.  Just last night he had to go to the bathroom.  Dad was going to go with him.  Nate said, 'No, mom you come with me'.. I said, 'ok', but then quickly realized what had happened.  He didn't want me to start the movie. He had already told me this in so many words.  He knew if I went with him I couldn't start the movie.  

Another time we were doing something and he asks, 'Mom are the dogs ok?' I said,'I think so' he said 'I hear something, maybe you should go check'..... so I leave and quickly realize he did that to get me out of the room so he could do whatever he was doing a bit longer.... The dogs hadn't even moved off the couch....

He is always ready for some sort of reply or question too.  If we are headed somewhere he doesn't want to go... we will pull in the parking lot and he will say 'Is there any parking spaces mom' I'm driving around I say 'well it's pretty crowded' and Nate goes 'Guess we better go somewhere else.  Let's go (fill in the blank of wherever he really wants to go).  

Ok, so maybe these examples aren't so much negotiating as much as 'The Strategizer' I really like how he reorders our list of errands too.  I'll say 'We have to go to target, the grocery store and get gas'.  He will say 'Let's do this.  Let's go to the park first then target.  You can go to the grocery store tomorrow.  That's a good idea' Or he always says 'The store is closed we have to go tomorrow I guess' ... he has even used Kona's hurt foot to his advantage. When he didn't want to change out of PJs and wanted to stay home he said 'Kona (which is actually still kaka to him) is hurt today we better stay home'.... uh huh...

He does it with food too.  It is not uncommon for him to say 'I'll take 2 more bites and then I can get down, ok?'  Or 'If I eat my egg can I get a pickle'  

The kid hates wearing a jacket, BUT I will say 'We have to wear a jacket it is cold and he will stop whining and say 'Can I zip it half way, not the whole way'... just funny what goes through his head.

As I write this, I realize how I cant quite capture it. It doesn't quite illustrate how good at it he is.... it is so much a part of our daily lives you have to see it to believe it.  I know all kids negotiate so maybe Nate is no different, but I sure do feel like it is one of his better 'tricks in his bag'.  I'm always shocked when a few off beat questions lead to something I wasn't expecting and usually some sort of puzzle to get his way or avoid something.  I'll catch myself telling Kevin.... don't fall for it, he has an ulterior motive... 

Let's hope his skills don't get even better as he becomes a teenager.  He has only played us off each other a few times, but I'm ready for that too.  'Mom, dad said I could'... me 'Did he really?' ... probably not.  Little stinker. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

3 Year Appointment

9/30 - He was born and was 21 inches tall and 8 lbs 7 oz
10/11 - He was 11 days old and was 21 inches tall and 8 lbs 9 oz
10/24 - He was 3 and 3/7 wks old and was 21 3/4 inches tall and 9 lbs 9 oz
12/1 - He is 2 months old and 24 inches tall and 11 lbs 10 oz
1/20 - He is 3 1/2 months old and 25 3/4 inches tall and 14 lbs 8 oz
3/30 - He is 6 months old and 27 inches tall and 17 lbs 4 oz
6/28 - He is a lil under 9 months old and 28 3/4 inches tall and 20 lbs 12 oz
10/1 - He just turned one and is 30 3/4 inches tall and 22 lbs 11 oz
1/3 - He is 15 months old and 32 1/4 inches tall and almost 24 lbs
4/1 - He is 18 months old and 33 inches tall and 24 lbs 15 oz
10/17 - He is 2 years old and 34 1/2 inches tall and 29 lbs
10/3/2014 - He is 3 years old 38 inches tall and 35 pounds.

3, 3, 3 year appointment... wow... I was thinking back to the first trip to the pediatricians office.  I was all hunchy and slow from the c-section.  I was a little overwhelmed and nervous.  I didn't touch anything or anyone because I didn't want my perfect little guy to get cooties.  And now, here we are 3 years later at a NEW office.  

Starting all over looking for doctors etc. is not my favorite thing.  It is always harder than I think to find information, good information.  Usually it is 2 people complaining about something at an office etc etc.  Nothing overly helpful to make good decisions from.  Sometimes I get good leads from somewhere and then go and look at those websites.  We never know a ton of people right away so it is hard to get a lot of good 'word of mouth' recommendations.  Anyway, you get it - not fun.  One of the first things I did when Nate started preschool was hit up the other moms for some info.  One pediatrician office came up quite a bit so we went there.

Pediatric Associates Inc. ... our old office was Pediatric associates of Franklin.  Is it a sign? Or just coincidence? Or is every office everywhere named that?  The assistant in the front office mentioned that picking a male doctor was good sometimes for boys so as they get older they will feel comfortable talking to them - I had never thought about that, but figured, maybe - so I picked a youngish male doctor that went to Yale (the office is fairly big and they have a lot of off hours and weekend appts so I like that)  Anyway, back to Yale - that is where Rory from Gilmore Girls went so I figured it was another sign.  I know, I know Rory really wanted to go to Harvard, but Yale ended up being the best choice ;) 

The appointment day finally arrived.  Nathaniel, true to form, wasn't super excited to be somewhere having a stranger look at him.  He even tried to negotiate a few times (more on his stellar negotiation tactics later).  The doctor was very nice and seemed to be great with kids (you hope so right) We were pretty much in and out.  Nothing to crazy to report.    I hated that I didn't really have any questions either - I like questions - NO, I LOVE questions.  The doctor wasn't rushed or anything, I just really didn't have much.  Basically, Nate looks to be in great health (so grateful, so grateful, so grateful)!!!!

I know some things I'd like to do before his 4 year appt since this year kind of got away from us with all of the chaos. More structured reading/learning time, less tv, hopefully get him involved in a sport (hopefully a little sluggers or maybe gymnastics - soccer might be a little confrontational for him, he is a cautious guy, we will see) Regardless, I am so so happy we had another healthy year and here is to hoping this pediatrician and office works out great!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Class Mom

Yep, that's me.  I waited a week before I offered, but apparently no one jumped at the opportunity so I got the position.  I got the position even with zero experience haha.  Now, when I first told Kevin he was like 'What, you finally got some free time and now you are working in the class'... Nope, not that kind of class mom.  I basically only have to help organize a few parties throughout the year - easy easy (I think).  

I remember my mom always helping out in my class.  I'm a little fuzzy on the details of what she did, but I do always remember her volunteering for stuff like that and being there for parties.  Actually, that is a subject for another blog - How you spend so much time and energy on doing things and your kids just forget (Sorry mom.... ok more about that later) My mom had to do that stuff before Pinterest and Google ... Crazy!... although she probably didn't have to worry about gluten and peanuts and wheat and egg and high fructose corn syrup and GMOs and artificial colors and whatever else people can't or won't eat... Honestly I was surprised we were allowed to have food. 

I showed up to my pre-party meeting with the teacher with a list of Halloweeny activities to do for the party.  I didn't bring one food idea because I just assumed no food.  I assumed this because you weren't allowed to bring in anything for birthdays etc.  BUT, the teacher was like 'yeah we can have food and no one in our class has any allergies' I don't think that is very common nowadays.  The teacher basically had a list of good ideas and the basics of the party planned, I added a few things and off I went.  

My first duty was to send out an email to the parents about the party date, etc.. Did that.  Next, I made a quick Excel spreadsheet for a sign up sheet.  Listed 'how-to-links' to the party items the parents could volunteer for so that people would know what I was talking about :) People signed up and that was that.

The Halloween Party was here.  We had 15 min to decorate and get things set up.  I had two moms help me decorate.  Then we dressed the kids in costume and the party started.  I made a pumpkin golf game, pumpkin bowling and pumpkin cracker pumpkin patch snacks.  We had a pumpkin face photo booth, spider oreo cookies, banana ghosts and a spider on a web craft.  Only one mistake was made - 2 moms brought pumpkin mandarin orange cups (whoops one mom forgot she was monster juice boxes) .... lesson learned, I should have sent a reminder email.  Owell.

Anyway, I had the only kid who wasn't particularly fond of being in a costume.  Nate got a little overwhelmed with everyone in their costumes and so many parents around.  And as he would say 'I got sad'... yes you did.  I let him put his regular clothes back on and he rebounded and had some fun playing the games.

I enjoyed being class mom and carrying on the tradition :)  I can see why my mom always wanted to do it - I had fun!