The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Helping Out

I've read more than once that preschoolers like to help out and feel useful - it builds confidence.  Because of this I try and always think of things he can do.  Things like putting the dishwasher soap in and starting the dishwasher.  Letting the dogs in/out.  Putting clothes in the washer.  Sweeping in the garage.  Refilling the bird feeder.  Putting things in the recycle bin.  Adding ingredients when I cook (yes yes yes I cook... no matter what Kevin says, don't believe him... or maybe believe him, everything is unconfirmed at this point) 

One of the cutest things he helps out with lately though is handyman stuff.  We have been hanging a few pictures up (it only took almost a year of living here.. whoops) and he follows with his measuring tape, hammer and screwdriver ready to help.  Grandma Mimi (my mom) gave Nate a tool set for Christmas and he uses it all the time when he is *helping* out.  His measurements are still a bit off, but he is coming along nicely.  He hammers pretty straight on actually, I was worried about the wall, but the walls haven't been too beat up.

He gets excited when we mention household projects.    Let's hope he keeps that attitude when he has to pull weeds and mow the lawn as he gets older :) We bought a few seeds to put in the yard and I think its warm enough to plant some flowers so I'm looking forward to working with my preschool digging assistant.  I can see how it is easy to not let the little guys help since it does take longer and sometimes you don't even get to finish, but I assume it will all payoff one day and what else do I really need to rush off to...  plus seeing a 3yr old with a  power drill thinking he is fixing stuff could not be cuter.  

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