The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I guess it has started.  You know the endless hours of watching your kid in sports.  Practices, games, getting snacks...  It's both exciting and daunting.  Luckily at 3-5 year old T-ball there isn't much of a time commitment.  He has practice right before they play a game.  The coach focuses on one skill each practice.  There has been 3 games so far.  

Now the word *game* is used very loosely here.  It is more of an organized chaos... nah it's mostly chaos.  One team hits (all the batters get a chance, no score, nothing) and one team catches. So a tiny person hits the ball and ALL of the other tiny people rush toward the ball.  Tears are shed sometimes if the kid who wanted the ball didn't get the ball and usually whoever has the ball has no clue what to do with it.   

So while everyone is watching the team try and get the ball, the batter (now runner) is just randomly running.  Sometimes they stop at first base, sometimes they just keep running, sometimes they don't run at all, sometimes straight to 2nd base.  You can't help but laugh the entire time... the cluelessness is so cute.  Of course there are always a few who totally know whats going on, but for the most part its hilarious.

Nate one time was so focused on holding his batting helmet on he just ran right over first into outfield and just continued running.  I was laughing because 'where did he think he was going?, was he going to ever stop?'... total crack up.  

There are definitely a few meltdowns every game (a few from Nate).  Unfortunately Nate hasn't totally warmed up to Tball.  He clings to Kevin and just kind of is on the brink of sad for the first part.  We give a little tough love and after one round of batting he starts having fun.  We are hoping the sad part will be shorter and shorter over time.  He also isn't a huge fan of wearing the hat (or any hat... ever ...since birth practically)   

This is sad Nate - he didn't want to be out in the field (cutest sad kid ever)

It is cool Kevin is helping coach.  Well, I use the word *coach* loosely since really he is a cheerleader who rounds up confused kids ;)  I think once Nate is a little more independent and not clinging to Kevin for part of the practice it will become more fun to coach. 

The best part is, no matter what, Nate always says how much fun he had.  I will think it looked like the worst time ever and he is like 'wow, that was fun' so you just never know what is going on in that preschooler head.  It usually ends on a good note where he is having fun so that is what he remembers I guess.  All I know is I enjoy watching this pint size bobble head playing baseball and I can't wait to watch for years to come.

C'mon looks like a pint size bobble head right? :)

He loves to bat and run the bases

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