The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, July 23, 2012

Music with Mommie

Nathaniel and I have been attending Music with Mommie for 2 weeks now. It is a group class for kids 5 months to 5 years that has songs and musical instruments and stuff. I, of course, took advantage of the first free class to see if it was any good. Because we don't get out much around other kids Nate pretty much just stared at them. Granted most of them are older and mobile so I think he was amazed they could grab their own instruments and walk around.

It is funny when we are suppose to make motions with a song. To help him have fun I move his arms etc. ... for example the song might say 'swim like a dolphin' so I move his arms in a swimming motion. The problem is that he locks up and won't let me move anything. He becomes as stiff as a statue. And when we are suppose to be snuggie during an 'I love you' type song he is jumping (on my leg as I hold him) and worming all around. He was also more interested in the live frog that was sitting next to us more than the music at times... me too though so maybe he gets that from me.

The second class was a little more crowded than the first. Which would be fine except for it is in a back storage room of a toy store so it got a little crowded and hot. I do think he likes it and enjoys watching the other kids so I'm going to stick with it for at least a session or two. There are 2 other kids about his age so that is good. The registration fee included an intro musical instrument pack and cd. He LOVES the egg shaker. I'm thinking since he has used it so much at home he may actually try and use it during class next time, which would be cool. I ordered him a few more kid friendly instruments. Maracas, another egg shaker and a baby sized tambourine. If he gets familiar with them at home he may be a little more open to them during that part of class. He also really enjoys sitting under the parachute while the moms wave it above the kids heads. (and yes it is a sexist class I think... there are no dads)

Class is on Wednesday mornings - so feel free to have the image of Nate as stiff as a statue and me singing off key on those mornings (and feel free to laugh at me as I strain to get up and down a billion times during class because I'm old and out of shape.... by the end of class I'm just as tired as Nate. Actually towards the end I smile at the older kids and get them to put our instruments back in the bucket after each song so I don't have to hahaha)   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very awesome blog !! I couldnt have wrote this any better than you if I tried super hard hehe!! I like your style too!! it's very unique & refreshing…