The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 22, 2012

So So Funny

Man, where is time going. I always give a little chuckle when people say, "enjoy it, his childhood goes by fast" because it always sounds so rehearsed and just what people say during small talk. But, Holy Moly I'm starting to think that statement is hugely understated. I just got a blanket email from some website mentioning baby milestones. The milestone was Nathaniel's first birthday. WHAT WHAT. I started to panic. I don't have a theme, as a matter of fact I don't have any plans for his first birthday. We don't even really have anybody to invite since most of our friends and family live elsewhere. So as of right now Nathaniel is going to have some lame cupcake, a cardboard bday hat from the Dollar Tree and me and Kevin singing some off key birthday song. AAAAaaahhh I'm going to win the worst mom award. Good moms would have 1000 ideas posted to Pinterest by now. I'd have themes narrowed to 3 top choices. I'd have a homemade 'I'm One' t-shirt made. The cake would be planned. People would have cute homemade invites to look at even if I knew they couldn't realistically be here. Then I spiraled out of control thinking... I don't have anything planned for his Halloween costume yet either. And no Christmas traditions being worked out. AAAaaahhh, what preschool will he attend? Do we have enough saved for his college fund? ...... ok ok ok, after a deep breath I regained my sanity. 

To be fair, I am still a little panicked about making his birthday special. I'll keep you posted on my neurosis.

Ok, now on to so so so funny..

Nathaniel cracks himself up on occasion. It is so cute. I really can't get enough of his laugh. Now that he is an 'expert' crawler he loves to crawl over your legs. He basically high centers on your legs and then face plants into the ground. As he is face planting he is laughing hysterically. It looks a tiny bit painful, but apparently not. He will do this several times and just loves it every time. It is only slightly less funny for him when he goes over a fluffy pillow. Another thing that is so so funny is playing chase around the couch. he crawls off in one direction and if you go in another and pop out from the side he flops over and just laughs. When I'm driving I'll hear a giggle from the back seat. This one is still a mystery to me, I'm not sure what is so so funny. I'm not sure how he is actually cracking himself up back there. He kicks the mirror with his feet, throws his toys at the door (something I like to call the backseat toy graveyard) and make motorboat sounds (YES, he still loves to spit all over himself - is this a boy thing do you think?) .. it could be any of these things or perhaps something I haven't witnessed, but what I do know is random laughing happens on occasion from back there.

Overall, he is a pretty happy baby still. This is something I try every day not to take for granted. Don't get me wrong he has gotten quicker to let you know when he isn't happy about something. He has a kind of a 'whiner whine' about him. He doesn't cry, but gives this 'whiner whine'.

Nate Note: For a month now Nathaniel does this 'No no no' thing. He kind of smiles and shakes his head back and forth super fast in a 'no no no' sort of way. It is actually kind of cute and we think he has fun doing it. I don't think he has any clue what the word NO means so we aren't sure why he does this. He does it at random times too. It isn't just when he is tired or excited or hungry or full. He has done it during all of those times and many more random events. Once we figure out the mystery of the 'no no no' we will let you know.

Historical Note: Ernie Els won The Open Championship today by one stroke.  I only bring this up because we saw Ernie Els at The Square Grouper when we were in Jupiter, FL for vacation while I was pregnant with Baby Hahm :) Ernie had pulled his yacht in and he and his friends sat at the table right next to us.  

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