The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Funny Little Habits

Nathaniel does a few things right now that are becoming habits. Well at least a habit in the baby sense - meaning the habit lasts a week or two, but it is funny to watch.

Hey, Hey, HEEEYYYY - When we are out and about and Nathaniel is riding in a buggy I noticed something he was always doing. I thought he was talking to me at first, but no. He says something like, 'Hey Hey HHEEYY HHEEYYY' it gets a little louder and longer until whomever he is trying to talk to turns around. Yep, he is yelling at strangers in the store. They usually will turn around and then he gets the biggest grin on his face. Of course no one can resist a cute baby boy grin. This is also what he has been yelling at us for a long time now from his crib when he wakes up.

Block Placement - Nathaniel will take a few blocks and place them on the window sill. He favors the white big lego blocks and the red triangle blocks. He then knocks them to the floor and puts them back up. He also likes to hide them in the tv cabinet.

Bite Kevin - Not much else to say here :) He bites Kevin's shoulder and laughs. He doesn't do it to me so I think it is funny, although it looks painful. (in case you are wondering we don't laugh back at him because we want the behavior to stop - Kevin just puts him on the floor and doesn't make a big deal of it, hoping it will go away when he figures out he doesn't get attention for it... we'll see) It is a little funny though

Einstein Sticky Hair - Nathaniel is a pretty good eater. Not super messy.. YET. But, no matter how hard we try somehow he manages to run his fingers through his hair above his ears and it sticks straight out and gets crusty from food. He looks like a mad scientist. He just LOVES when I try and wipe down his hair afterwards (I say sarcastically)

Here You Go Mocha - Nathaniel has figured out if he gives Mocha something Mocha will usually run off with it and that is hilarious to the little guy! As I am trying to teach Mocha NOT to chew blocks, rattles, toys etc. Nate is handing them to him. Poor dog is confused. Sometimes Nate will actually give him a dog toy - not often enough though. If Mocha doesn't take it Nate just keeps shoving it in his face. I have a feeling I'm fighting a losing battle and there is going to be some more *toy casualties*

The Happy Sway - When Nathaniel crawls around he sways his head back and forth... it looks like he is the happiest baby around. It is so cute. It is a really pronounced sway and I always think he is singing some happy tune as he just happily bobs around the room. Maybe one of these days he will be happily walking and swaying... or maybe he'll crawl forever ;) I can picture him skipping with this same happy gait when he gets older.
The Open Door - Opening and closing doors (real doors, cabinet doors, drawers) will be open and closed 200 hundred times a day. He will watch a cartoon while opening the tv stand door and closing it the whole time. (Side note: When he watches a cartoon he mostly likes the songs - the rest of the cartoon barely keeps him interested. This means the start of any show/cartoon/commercial that has a tune is fair game to watch. There is this cheesy Sandals resort commercial that has the Dirty Dancing song 'I've had the time of my life' and he stops and watches it every time.)
Truck Rides - Nathaniel can't get enough of his truck that he got for his birthday. He knows how to get in it himself now - sometimes he is sitting in it backwards, but he is in it. He just looks at you like ... 'come on, push me, what are you waiting for?' He doesn't quite get that his long sleeve onesie isn't quite warm enough to go outside in. We give him (and ourselves) a layer or two and head out the door. If he had his way he'd go several times a day. He even shuts the door on you when you try to get him out.
Bootie Dance - When we get him ready to take a bath we usually undress him on our bed while the bath fills up. Well, he gets this shot of adrenaline once you take his clothes off. He goes back and forth on the bed and then will grab the headboard posts and perform what I like to call his ** bootie dance** You can't help but laugh. He just holds on to the slats and boogies.
Alright, I better quit writing and take a nap before he wakes up from his nap. zzzzzzzz

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