The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 17, 2012


It's happening, it's happening.... every once in awhile I allow something to happen that I never ever never ever ever thought I'd allow to happen. Apparently, being a parent means you have to be flexible about things you swore you'd never be flexible about. But, things just don't always happen like you think they will or should or might. You quickly realize your overly utopian view of raising kids on your terms gets thrown out the window (ok ok not quite that dramatic), but at least out the window on occasion. So you are probably asking, 'what could I have allowed?' that required such flexibility on my part. I mean the kid is only 1+ what is he even capable of doing that I already had to BeNd the rules. Well, rules in my head.
drum roll.... I allowed him to play in one of those germ infested play areas in the mall. AAAAHHH I know. Catch your breath. Yes, I said he played in what I like to call *Germatopia*. I used to walk by those covering my mouth as to not catch any stray germs that were flying in the air. When I look at one of those play areas I can't imagine there isn't one surface that doesn't have a sticky boogery hand mark on it. I wondered if anyone would notice (and if I would look insane) spraying down everything with lysol... or wiping things down with my clorox travel wipes.
So why o why would I even venture into what is clearly marked as a level 4 biohazard zone. oh oh oh maybe I could have put Nathaniel in a baby biohazard suit. Like the ones used on E.T.. He is too young to notice people laughing at him right, RIGHT? He had been in his stroller for a bit and I felt like he really needed to get out and move around. We were at least 1/2 hr from home so I just had to let him out... I had to... I swear (at least that is what I tell myself) So as we entered the biohazard zone I could feel the germy air surround our bodies - I may have let out a slight scream, I can't be sure - we proceeded forward anyway even though every instinct told me to turn around. Then he was off crawling around on some play structure.
Nathaniel seemed to enjoy looking at the other kids and moved around some. He mostly smiled at the adults sitting around the edges winning them over with his grins. When it was time to go, I scooped him up and quickly started the disinfection process. I wiped down his hands and changed his socks :) (Yep, he wasn't wearing any shoes, whoops).
We seem to have survived, but it really was touch and go. If I allowed him in there, what's next?!? Will I allow him in the McDonald's poop ball pit? Will I let him eat a Cheetoh off a restaurant bathroom floor? Will I let him eat Cheeto's ....Oh no, oh no... I think I'm hyperventilating. I better go clean something.

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