The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Haha.. get it ... Ipood. It is amazing what funny things you can find printed on onesies. What is also amazing is how kids are so technologically inclined. I was soooo impressed with Intellivision when it came out. I moved up to a Commodore 64. I could write 4 lines of code on it and I thought I was brilliant. The four lines of code would do something like repeat my name over and over again. I also had basic games such as; Olympic Decathlon, Firestarter, Donkey Kong, Spy Hunter. Those graphics were so simple (or the new word for simple ~ retro) Then I moved up to an Apple 2 (or mac) I forget exactly what it was called. It looked something like this.
Next, I got my first computer tower type computer. There was a huge monitor and tower that I remember lugging around during college from residence to residence. I didn't get my first laptop until around the mid 2000s I think. I'm pretty sure that all of my original computers combined couldn't even do what my Iphone does now. Pretty amazing. As I sit here and write this I can see a DVR (amazing piece of tech), an Iphone, an Ipad, a baby video monitor and a flat screen tv (weighing a smidge of what that old computer monitor weighed) all within reach. Technology is just everywhere changing our daily lives constantly. Some argue that it is for the better, some say it is making some things worse. For instance, no one actually talks anymore, but the introvert in me doesn't mind that so much ;)
I could go on and on about how things have changed (my 15 minute cell phone plan I had in college LOL), but really I just wanted to point out something funny that has already happened with Nathaniel. I have a few apps on the Ipad and Iphone for him. Simple things from Fisher Price. I show him pictures too. He, like most kids, picked up on the fact that you just need to swipe your finger across the screen to get it to do something. Now everything with a screen is fair game for a swipe. I started to notice this when he was looking at our photo frame. It is one of those photo frames where you can store pictures on it like a computer and it just shows a slide show. He kept touching the screen and watching the pictures change. It does it automatically, but he thought he was making the pictures change like on the Iphone. He also tries to touch the tv for the same reason.
I just thought about how different it will be for him as he learns and plays because of all the available technology. I mean he already asks to play games on the Iphone. Of course him asking is a slight point and grunt, but I get it, I get that he is already getting addicted to technology and that is going to be a lot of $$$$$$$$ ;) Future Nate, "Mom, everyone has the Ipad 15ss with 3D goggles, I'm such a loser with my Ipad 14 that is 2D and doesn't hover"

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