The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 5, 2013

F Bomb

So my sweet sweet little boy has been dropping the F Bomb for a few days. I'm thinking to myself, 'Where in the heck would he have heard that word?!?' Did I accidently say it in a stressful moment, Did Kevin?? Neither of us say that word so I really doubted it. The bummer was I couldn't blame it on relatives or friends because no one has been here recently.... it has to be something we are saying. Uh oh
I decided to figure it out after I could not stop laughing after an ipad incident. I was like a 7th grader in class laughing goofily at a fart noise. Here was the situation. The internet wasn't working so his 'animal sounds' video (mentioned in the previous blog) wouldn't come on. He kept saying 'F*%k' over and over again. I was laughing so hard. I tried to get the video on again and it wouldn't come on... he said it again and again 'F*%k' 'F*%k' ... He was using it in the right context. He was laughing because I was laughing.
We put the ipad up and went and did something else. Then after awhile he said the word again 'F*%k' and pointed to a statue that broke the day before. Again, sort of using it in the right context. What the heck is happening?
Then a light bulb went on over my head. After he pointed to the statue I said, 'Don't worry I will fix it'.... and he said it again 'F*%k'... and I said 'FIX' and he said 'F*%k'.... hahahahahaha... he was saying 'FIX'. I remembered that when the ipad wasn't working I said I have to fix it.
Thank goodness. Now, I must admit Kevin and I are getting a little bit of a kick out of his pronunciation of the word. You can't help but laugh when he says it.