The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 17, 2013

2 Year Appt

9/30 - He was born and was 21 inches tall and 8 lbs 7 oz
10/11 - He was 11 days old and was 21 inches tall and 8 lbs 9 oz
10/24 - He was 3 and 3/7 wks old and was 21 3/4 inches tall and 9 lbs 9 oz
12/1 - He is 2 months old and 24 inches tall and 11 lbs 10 oz
1/20 - He is 3 1/2 months old and 25 3/4 inches tall and 14 lbs 8 oz
3/30 - He is 6 months old and 27 inches tall and 17 lbs 4 oz
6/28 - He is a lil under 9 months old and 28 3/4 inches tall and 20 lbs 12 oz
10/1 - He just turned one and is 30 3/4 inches tall and 22 lbs 11 oz
1/3 - He is 15 months old and 32 1/4 inches tall and almost 24 lbs
4/1 - He is 18 months old and 33 inches tall and 24 lbs 15 oz
10/17 - He is 2 years old and 34 1/2 inches tall and 29 lbs

I'm so behind in blogs, but I swear to get caught up this weekend .... I swear .....

Can you believe it has been 2 years?!?  Nathaniel had his 2 year wellness check up.  We were a little late because of our Florida trip and the Pumpkin Play Date party.  I knew he was going to get a flu shot and just in case he had any side effects I didn't want to have it before the party.  

The appointments keep getting easier since the vaccinations for the time being are all done.  I LOVE that.  Now it is just making sure he is progressing ok.  Motor skills, speech, eating... stuff like that.  Everything checked out ok.  Well, we did get a little lecture on making sure there is more structure to his mealtimes.  Whoops.  He is such a grazer and I just kind of go with the flow since he eats even if it is grazing.  The doc didn't like that philosophy much haha.  I am stricter at dinner, but I am pretty loosey goosey for breakfast and lunch.  I was actually a little worried he doesn't eat enough, but his weight is just fine for his height.

He eats lots of different things just not a lot of any one thing.  He still doesn't care for meat, which is fine by me :) We still try different meats at times, but he spits it back out.  I"m sure it is the texture.  Maybe it is because he didn't have any in the womb (hhhhmmm could be) 

We opted for the Flumist flu shot.  They just shove some stuff up his nose instead of an actual shot.  He didn't love that, but it was a lot better than a shot.  Now I have to man up and go get the flu shot (or hopefully the Flumist for me too since I hate shots)

I feel very fortunate that things are going well with his health.  I think it is easy to take that for granted as you go about your daily life, but on the drive home I thought about how grateful I am.  I smiled at him and then hit replay of the 5 little monkey song for the 10th time as we went home to have a *structured* lunch ;)

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