The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Look Mommy Look (fill in the blank)

Or Look Daddy Look 'leaves'.  This is Nathaniel's newest phrase.  You actually can't help but smile because he gets so excited when he is saying it.  Sometimes he is showing you the moon, sometimes a circle he made with a cup in his play rice, sometimes something he placed somewhere he thinks is funny.  

Another phrase he has been using is.... he will give you something and then say, "here you go mommy, your welcome' He doesn't give you time to actually say 'Thank you'.

I think the latest little quirk that is Kevin's favorite is when Nathaniel talks like the Godfather.  We have no idea where he picked this up, but it cracks us up.  Every once in awhile he talks in this low, breathy kind of voice.  He is usually pretty serious too.  When you hear from the backseat 'window open' in this voice from a 2 year old you can't help but laugh.   It started on vacation.  

Speaking of vacation... I'm definitely getting a blog ready, I just need to download a few pics... stay tuned.  I've been a little distracted thinking about his pumpkin playdate we are having this weekend.

Here is a peek at a few pics ...

Mickey Mouse Birthday cake at Grandma Hahm's

First time Nate met Mickey Mouse - he was really excited

Dumbo ride

Nate being a Hollywood superstar at Animal Kingdom on the Safari ride

Enjoying Miramar Beach in Destin, FL

Looking cute in Destin

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