The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Clean Up Clean Up

Everybody everywhere, clean up clean up everybody do their share.  So I know this is a song from Barney, but I've never actually watched a Barney show.  I like the song though, it's catchy.  I was singing this to myself as I watched Nathaniel clean up today.  This doesn't seem all that interesting does it??  Except for he was cleaning at a play place we went to today.

We went to an indoor play place called Shipwrecked Play House.  It was the first time I had been there and we met Nate's friend Evie there.  It was a little place that had different types of play areas: train tables, grocery store, ball pit, magnet board, play kitchen and of course a pirate ship with 2 slides off of it.  Nathaniel is still pretty cautious and climbed around on the pirate boat, but didn't go down the slide.  He also always held on to the hand rail as he came down the ramp - cracks me up a little, but I'll take that over a crazy accident.  

Now this place got messier and messier the longer we were there.  Kids carry stuff from the kitchen to the train tables, groceries end up in the seating area, balls from the ball pit are rolling around.... you get the point.  Well, I definitely noticed the mess and so did my mini me.  I looked over and Nate was putting things back where they go.  He collected some of the plates and groceries that were randomly thrown on the floor into a little basket.  He carried the balls to the ball pit and threw them in and collected magnets that fell off the wall and put them back on.  This one kid was just taking them off and Nate kept putting them back on.  Yep, while most of the other kids were just running around and over the mess my guy was trying to keep things orderly.  I couldn't be more proud of my little OCD son. ;)  Ok, while I'm proud he certainly wasn't doing this the entire time - he had a very fun time and it was actually a tiny struggle to get him out the door.  

After playtime - lunch at the cracker barrel

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