The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sippy Cup Snagger

10, maybe 20, maybe even 30.  That is the number of sippy cup valves Mocha has stolen and chewed since Nate started using sippy cups.  He can't resist the soft plasticy goodness of those suckers.  Granted I leave them out on the counter where he can easily grab them.  You'd think I would have learned by now!  Seriously!  When I wash them I set them on the dish mat, which is no challenge for Mocha.  The sippy cup valve is definitely the most eaten Nate item in the house.  What is more amazing is that the sippy cup valve is the one thing Nathaniel doesn't actually give to Mocha to chew.  

Those two together are trouble.  It is apparently hilarious to put a plastic animal in Mocha's face then run off real fast, have him chase you, give him the animal and then watch him chew a leg off.  Replace plastic animal with ball, stuffed animal, crayon... anything Mocha finds interesting and you have one of Nate's favorite parts of the day.  Poor dog gets confused since Nate eggs him on while I am yelling at everyone to stop the madness :) I have to admit the excited shriek Nate makes as Mocha is playing with him is kind of addicting to hear.  Granted I am pretty sure Mocha doesn't know he is playing so much as getting something fun to chew.  As I reread this I'm starting to think things at my house are resembling more of a circus than a well run machine... huh... time for some self reflection.  I'm not sure the game of *keep away* Mocha and Nate play is preparing him for preschool ;) 

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