The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, January 27, 2014


Nashville has a nice mix of cold and hot weather.  The four seasons actually happen here and are beautiful (well not the seasons with lots of bugs), which pretty much brings the 4 seasons down to 2 enjoyable seasons...fall and winter.  So I guess 2 seasons are beautiful ;) I like to look at the blooming trees in the spring from inside where the bees and wasps won't hunt me down.  Ok so I sort of digressed. 

This winter has been unusually cold for Nashville.  It hasn't been anything too bad, but there has definitely been several days under 30 degrees.  This temperature is a bit uncomfortable to just hang out in with a regular jacket.  If I could now convince Nathaniel that it is uncomfortable we will be in business.  Nathaniel hasn't quite grasped COLD yet.  He knows he is cold (especially when it is windy), but he doesn't understand why we can't play outside or go to the park etc... I think he thinks he can just be cold .. no problem.  His hands will be FREEZING and he still wants to run around.  For instance after we left a store the other day he wanted to crunch dry leaves in the parking lot.  It was cold.  I was cold.  He was just jumping up and down having a jolly old time.  His little cheeks turning red with no care in the world.  

Also, I wonder how people in the Midwest put all the winter gear on their kids and still strap them into a carseat.  Seriously?!?  Even just 2 layers makes Nate look like he is squished in there.  I can barely strap him in.  This is part of the reason he is usually not dressed for how cold it is outside.  I usually just walk fast into wherever we are going.  I try to put his hood on if he will leave it - but most of the time he just takes it off, he is still not a fan of leaving anything on his head.  When we play outside I can bribe him to keep his snow hat on since he knows he will have to come inside if he takes it off.... although this isn't a foolproof system... sometimes a little tantrum ensues ;)      

So while ice cycles are growing off me Nathaniel is happy as can be... when does it click that it is indeed freezing and more fun to be inside?  Don't get me wrong we aren't outside playing in 30 degrees, but Nate would if he could.  

I just remembered this too and had to add it.  The tile in the bathroom has been chilly in the morning and that boy runs around without socks and doesn't notice.  I can feel it through my socks and he is like woo hoo I'm invincible.  I'll ask him,"Are your feet cold" and he says,"ah No' and runs off like a miniature lunatic. 

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