The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 27, 2014

To the End of the Internet

When Nathaniel was a baby - I couldn’t help myself - I looked up so much information in a book or on the internet.. wherever I could find answers or interesting things to read.  What are the milestones, what should he eat, what should he drink, medical stuff like vaccines, how should he be playing, is he too shy, what should I be teaching him, how much sleep should he get, on and on and on.  Luckily, he was such a happy and healthy baby that I kind of just aimlessly looked up stuff. 

Then he turned one/one and a half… I noticed I was looking up less stuff.  But, I still looked up stuff.  Usually the same stuff as before just age appropriate, but with added activity stuff to help him develop motor skills, a love for reading, classes we can do and on and on. 

Now that he is getting close to 2 and a half I’ve noticed I pretty much just hope for the best haha.  I haven’t looked up much at all.  I guess suddenly I expect him to develop on his own.  What?  That seems crazy.  Really it does, I need to get my act together again.  Geez.  For instance, I know I need to be moving him to a different type of cup, but I just procrastinate in finding out what I should do.  Also, he is getting close to moving to a big boy bed, but I have no idea what to do for that.  He is going to definitely be the kid that stands at the top of the stairs and says ‘hello’ and doesn’t stay put.  It would make travel easier though.

Sleeping arrangements while travelling are really tough right now.  He doesn’t and hasn’t really slept anywhere else ever, including our bed, so he is used to his crib and only his crib.  When we travel he is on a regular bed wondering what is happening.  I can hardly blame him for being a bit confused.  I guess I should probably start reading up on how best to transition him.

Ok so I digressed a bit.  But, research, reading, etc. is just as important so I don’t know why I don’t obsess about it like I used to.  Ok, obsess is a strong word.  It is true he can tell me a lot more so that certainly helps.  Maybe that’s it, since he can tell me stuff I feel less like I’m guessing.  Also, maybe because it just seems like playing and interacting is so fun I don’t want to make it too complex.  Although I’d like to start putting together some form of a pre pre pre school type program.  Pinterest here I come… maybe… when I have time.  Nathaniel does tell me to get off the phone or computer now.  ‘No that mommy’  Then I feel guilty because he noticed I wasn’t paying attention to him.  Maybe that is what I should research – how technology is ruining the relationship with your kid ;) j/k…    

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hey Little Dude, Seriously?

I feel like this is what Kona is thinking every time Nathaniel talks to her, "Little Dude, Seriously?"  She is thinking that because she is still wondering why Nathaniel calls her 'kaka'... it's true.  No matter how many times we say 'Kona' Nate still says 'Kaka' it is the strangest thing.  I guess she looks like a kaka to him.  I hear it so much that every once in awhile I hear myself saying it.  'Do you want to give kaka a cookie?' Whoops... I mean Kona.  He does pretty well when you tell him how to say other things, but for some reason he just chooses kaka.  Cracks me up.  It's not the prettiest of nicknames either ;)  

On a side note, my pretty girl Kona had her teeth cleaned and some mast cells (cancer bumps) removed last Monday.  She was so out of when she got home :(  but she is doing fine now.  Kevin was out of town and it was so hard trying to cuddle her and play with Nate.  Needless to say I was tired at the end of the night.  

Friday, February 14, 2014

What?, he was listening?!?

We read as much as we can to Nathaniel, but really it tends to happen the most after he wakes up and before he goes to sleep (naps too).  He certainly does what every kid does and likes to hear the same stories over and over.  He will like one book for a week or two and then never pull it out again for weeks.  Recently, anything Dr. Suess has been the book of choice.  

A couple of weeks ago when I was reading 'Go Dog Go' Nathaniel took over.  He recited almost every word of the book.  I was like Whoa.  When did he start remembering the stories.  It was so cool and took me completely by surprise.  He actually is listening and following along, I love it.  I think I was so surprised because he hasn't been sitting through stories as much as he used to.  He is constantly jumping around, or chasing Mocha, or running in circles, or dumping all his toys everywhere and laughing, or hiding stuff in random places, or watching the iPad (whoops bad mom alert)... he is your typical energy ball like all toddlers at this age.  

Even though he is an energy ball I tend to finish whatever story we started even if he gets up.  It's nice to know that he is paying attention even if he isn't sitting.  He is a boy so I figured he couldn't multi-task.... haha... j/k.  Another story he likes to recite is 'The Eye Book' and 'The Nose Book'... he is even pretty good at knowing a lot of 'Gus and the Firefly'.  

Who knows what books will catch his attention in the next few months, but at least I know he enjoys it :)  It is great confirmation.  Sometimes as a parent, it is so hard to know if your daily routines are working, but they are and show up randomly when you least expect it.  Side Note: For as many times as I have read these stories I certainly haven't memorized them, darn old age ;)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fix It

Generation after generation little kids always think their parents can fix everything.  They can right?  They should be able to answer all questions and fix anything broken.  This notion certainly hasn't skipped a generation.  Nathaniel uses this phrase a lot A LOT.  Sometimes we can actually fix something, but we get into some sticky situations sometimes.

It is hard to fix a broken cracker.  Broken tree limbs are an interesting request.  Lots of toys need fixed, which usually is a battery so that is an easy request.  It is hard to fix the internet when it is running slow and a game or show won't load. A shattered sucker is near impossible.  The latest has been the request to fix the family room fan.  This is a fan that has been broken for over a year.  It suddenly started working again capturing Nates attention only to break again.  He keeps saying, 'Fix it' Not going to happen.  It certainly doesn't happen any quicker by saying it 15 times.  (The amount of times a toddler can repeat something is a lesson in persistence) 

I love that he looks immediately to us to fix things though.  You feel like a superhero if only for a second - 'Mommy fix it'  I hope to bottle that and keep it forever, especially when he is in high school and all I do is ruin his life somehow  ;)