The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, February 14, 2014

What?, he was listening?!?

We read as much as we can to Nathaniel, but really it tends to happen the most after he wakes up and before he goes to sleep (naps too).  He certainly does what every kid does and likes to hear the same stories over and over.  He will like one book for a week or two and then never pull it out again for weeks.  Recently, anything Dr. Suess has been the book of choice.  

A couple of weeks ago when I was reading 'Go Dog Go' Nathaniel took over.  He recited almost every word of the book.  I was like Whoa.  When did he start remembering the stories.  It was so cool and took me completely by surprise.  He actually is listening and following along, I love it.  I think I was so surprised because he hasn't been sitting through stories as much as he used to.  He is constantly jumping around, or chasing Mocha, or running in circles, or dumping all his toys everywhere and laughing, or hiding stuff in random places, or watching the iPad (whoops bad mom alert)... he is your typical energy ball like all toddlers at this age.  

Even though he is an energy ball I tend to finish whatever story we started even if he gets up.  It's nice to know that he is paying attention even if he isn't sitting.  He is a boy so I figured he couldn't multi-task.... haha... j/k.  Another story he likes to recite is 'The Eye Book' and 'The Nose Book'... he is even pretty good at knowing a lot of 'Gus and the Firefly'.  

Who knows what books will catch his attention in the next few months, but at least I know he enjoys it :)  It is great confirmation.  Sometimes as a parent, it is so hard to know if your daily routines are working, but they are and show up randomly when you least expect it.  Side Note: For as many times as I have read these stories I certainly haven't memorized them, darn old age ;)

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