The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fix It

Generation after generation little kids always think their parents can fix everything.  They can right?  They should be able to answer all questions and fix anything broken.  This notion certainly hasn't skipped a generation.  Nathaniel uses this phrase a lot A LOT.  Sometimes we can actually fix something, but we get into some sticky situations sometimes.

It is hard to fix a broken cracker.  Broken tree limbs are an interesting request.  Lots of toys need fixed, which usually is a battery so that is an easy request.  It is hard to fix the internet when it is running slow and a game or show won't load. A shattered sucker is near impossible.  The latest has been the request to fix the family room fan.  This is a fan that has been broken for over a year.  It suddenly started working again capturing Nates attention only to break again.  He keeps saying, 'Fix it' Not going to happen.  It certainly doesn't happen any quicker by saying it 15 times.  (The amount of times a toddler can repeat something is a lesson in persistence) 

I love that he looks immediately to us to fix things though.  You feel like a superhero if only for a second - 'Mommy fix it'  I hope to bottle that and keep it forever, especially when he is in high school and all I do is ruin his life somehow  ;)

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