The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Just one more time

Negotiations are starting young.  This little guy likes to throw this line around all the time nowadays.  "(fill in the blank) just one more time" and he says it like it's no big deal...."watch iPad just one more time" "Throw the car in the dogs water just one more time" "play something just one more time".  

I made the huge parental mistake of saying "ok" in the early stages of this... actually I kind of started it all because I always warn him by saying 'we have to leave after one more time on the swing' or 'you can watch one more song than we have to eat lunch' etc etc..... I have found that warning him keeps things working smoothly. However, it has made him an expert negotiator.  His negotiations are basically let me do it one more time or else I'll throw a terrible 2's tantrum.  Well, not really, but sometimes.  

I say 'no' sometimes, of course, but I have learned to pick my battles with an unreasonable little dude.  Usually this is not a battle I pick and I just let him do *whatever* one more time.  Then we move on to the next adventure.  

I just like his grin here.  We are eating biscuits from Loveless cafe.

Every boy needs a biscuit and a stick, right?

I love them goofing around.  They were doing spins in front of the double arch bridge

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ahh Touch

I always want those special moments with Nate that you see in pictures.  You know the pictures where the mom and kid look lovingly into each others eyes.  Or they are holding hands skipping in a flower field.  Or they are snuggling in front of a fire in comfy pajamas.  You know the pictures.... If I tried to recreate those same pictures it would look more like this...

If I try looking at Nates eyes he'd laugh at me.... Or if I'm holding his hand in any field I'm probably squirming from bees while Nathaniel picks up rocks.... Or if we are snuggling there is probably an iPad nearby playing some goofy video about finger families or wheels on the bus.  Maybe I just need a professional photographer... :)

Anyway, my super Hallmarky moments aren't quite as perfect as they are in my mind or how social media would have you believe it should be.  But, but, but... Nathaniel is doing the most adorable thing and the closest thing to that Hallmarky moment.  He lightly places his hands on your face (cheeks) and looks right at you.  Sometimes he will give you a kiss even, but mostly he wants your undivided attention.  He sure gets it doing that move.  I like having it done to me as much as I love watching him do it to Kevin.  It is just so sweet.  This crazy boy every once in awhile slows down and I make sure to take notice!  

I like when he holds hands with me watching the iPad too right before the bedtime routine.  (Yep, he definitely watches too much iPad)  Maybe he is already sly enough to know if he holds my hand I'll let him watch a little longer :)  

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Valentines Day

We haven't traditionally celebrated much on Valentines day, but with Nathaniel I felt like it would be fun to do something.  I had seen something on Pinterest where you write a special note on a heart and leave it on your kids bedroom door from Feb 1-14.  That sounded perfect.  Easy, meaningful, not expensive.  He really enjoyed getting up in the morning to see the new message.  We'd write simple things like 'Mommy loves to dance with you' or 'Kona and Mocha like to give you kisses' or 'You're special' .... you get the point, just short little love notes.  Here are a few pictures.  Happy late Valentines Day :)

$5 from Grandma Hahm - I'm so excited to buy a toy!!!!

I like his super happy face here

I saw this and couldn't resist not taking a picture - they are holding hands

First for Everything

The scene was so sad and pathetic.  We had just got back from a very (I mean a VERY) quick trip to Orlando. 

Side Note:  Nathaniel had a great time hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Hahm.  Kevin and I actually left Nate with them all day when we drove around in Orlando.  This is the longest he has been with anyone else his whole life. This is probably not normal for most kids, but normal for us.  He had a great time going to the park and playing with toys.  He even took a nap – a long nap – in a regular bed!!! 

Anyway, back to the story.  After an all day drive and kind of a messed up sleep schedule Nate was a little off (as was I).  But, a day or two went by and we were back into our routine…. So I thought. 

Nathaniel was waking up a bit during the night and at nap time, which isn’t normal for him.  He is a very good sleeper (knock on wood).  Then on Wed he wasn’t drinking his milk like he normally does.  He napped for an unusually long time.  Good for me, but not normal.  When he woke up he didn’t want any milk.  Then my gut just felt like something was off.  But, he was playing so I just chalked it up to getting back into our groove.  We headed downstairs.  Nate asked for his Ipad.  (WAIT back up, did I just type his Ipad????  It is still my Ipad, but doesn’t really feel like it hahaha).

So I headed off to my room to grab the Ipad.  That is when I heard something strange, then crying.  I ran back into the family room to find the saddest boy ever.  He threw up.  It was all over him.  He looked so scared.  This was his first time ever having thrown up.  Think about how scary that is.  You feel awful, you don’t know what is going on and there is crap all over you.  BTW, this kid does not like goo on him so it was extra tragic.  I quickly took off everything, grabbed a wet towel and cleaned him up.  I got him to lay down, calm down and watch the Ipad. 

Mind you while I’m doing all this I’m keeping the curious dogs away.  I wanted to clean up the mess (I mean come on, it’s me your talking about) but the minute I’d leave Nate’s side he’d say ‘Mommy mommy’ so I just laid there with him.  Comforting him.  Poor boy. 

Kevin came home a bit later.  This is a daddy’s boy so he was extra happy to see daddy and get daddy love.  Kevin took over comforting duty while I cleaned up.  Not my favorite job thus far as a mother.  I’m sure a sentiment all moms would agree with, including my own. 

I tried to bring in a trash can for any further * incidents * but Nate kept getting mad at me.  He apparently doesn’t want to try and use that to throw up in.  That will take time I guess.  I’m happy I haven’t had to worry about this until now, I just felt so so so sad for him.  He just looked so pathetic.  It was the first time I had seen him scared in this particular way.  I guess I said ‘It’s ok’ too many times because he kept saying that later, over and over and over again.  I need to start really watching what I say as he listens and catches on.  I got to make sure what I say is what I want him to remember and hopefully helps him, not scare him even more.

Luckily (knock on wood again) it was just one instance.  It must have been something he ate.  It is still a mystery.  He still doesn’t seem 100% to me so maybe he has a little bug or something.  Not a bug strong enough to keep him from playing at the park ;)