The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ahh Touch

I always want those special moments with Nate that you see in pictures.  You know the pictures where the mom and kid look lovingly into each others eyes.  Or they are holding hands skipping in a flower field.  Or they are snuggling in front of a fire in comfy pajamas.  You know the pictures.... If I tried to recreate those same pictures it would look more like this...

If I try looking at Nates eyes he'd laugh at me.... Or if I'm holding his hand in any field I'm probably squirming from bees while Nathaniel picks up rocks.... Or if we are snuggling there is probably an iPad nearby playing some goofy video about finger families or wheels on the bus.  Maybe I just need a professional photographer... :)

Anyway, my super Hallmarky moments aren't quite as perfect as they are in my mind or how social media would have you believe it should be.  But, but, but... Nathaniel is doing the most adorable thing and the closest thing to that Hallmarky moment.  He lightly places his hands on your face (cheeks) and looks right at you.  Sometimes he will give you a kiss even, but mostly he wants your undivided attention.  He sure gets it doing that move.  I like having it done to me as much as I love watching him do it to Kevin.  It is just so sweet.  This crazy boy every once in awhile slows down and I make sure to take notice!  

I like when he holds hands with me watching the iPad too right before the bedtime routine.  (Yep, he definitely watches too much iPad)  Maybe he is already sly enough to know if he holds my hand I'll let him watch a little longer :)  

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