The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Just one more time

Negotiations are starting young.  This little guy likes to throw this line around all the time nowadays.  "(fill in the blank) just one more time" and he says it like it's no big deal...."watch iPad just one more time" "Throw the car in the dogs water just one more time" "play something just one more time".  

I made the huge parental mistake of saying "ok" in the early stages of this... actually I kind of started it all because I always warn him by saying 'we have to leave after one more time on the swing' or 'you can watch one more song than we have to eat lunch' etc etc..... I have found that warning him keeps things working smoothly. However, it has made him an expert negotiator.  His negotiations are basically let me do it one more time or else I'll throw a terrible 2's tantrum.  Well, not really, but sometimes.  

I say 'no' sometimes, of course, but I have learned to pick my battles with an unreasonable little dude.  Usually this is not a battle I pick and I just let him do *whatever* one more time.  Then we move on to the next adventure.  

I just like his grin here.  We are eating biscuits from Loveless cafe.

Every boy needs a biscuit and a stick, right?

I love them goofing around.  They were doing spins in front of the double arch bridge

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