The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Right Now

I would love to get into a toddler brain.  What was that movie, it was a comedy, where they get into tiny spaceships and travel through a body.  Man I can't remember.... hhhmmm I'll have to figure that out.  Anyway, it would be cool to do that and figure out what makes Nathaniel tick.  I find myself at least once a day thinking to myself,' He is two, how is he thinking through this ___' Everything is so truthful and unencumbered.  It is kind of like the movie 'Liar Liar', but he has no idea he is just saying things as is... 

For instance, I love when he points to my blemishes and calls them 'ouchies'  THANKS little dude!  Or so easily say's, 'Mommy go away'...ok I get it dad is home and is sooooo much more fun.  Or 'I want to go' (Right in the middle of music class)

One of my favorite things lately is when he requests something, 'Right now'.... 'Go to Starbucks, right now' or 'Go to the big park, right now' or 'Play with play doh, right now'  Demanding cute little boy!

He did say one of the sweetest things.  It is the first time he gave me a compliment.  Not sure if he is just repeating something I say, BUT I'll take it.  He was looking right at me and said,'You have beautiful eyes'... Aaahhh schucks.  

These pictures are from the Discovery Center in Murfreesboro TN.  It was a really fun place for Nate to explore.  His favorite part was this water display that showed how irrigation worked and fountains and boats...etc.  Curious George are his favorite books right now so he really enjoyed those exhibits.  There was a shadow room he had fun in and a display that showed how air pressure worked where you could stick a sponge in a tube and it would blow out (part of the airplane displays).  

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