The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Yoo Hoo You Still There?

I'm talking to myself.  Life has taken me this way and that way lately not leaving me much time to keep up.  I, of course, miss this!  This is the only way I know I'll remember the little things and I've been super slacking.  Makes me a little crazy especially because I like to write.  

Regardless, here is a little thing from the past few days that I think is cute (and I know I'll forget).  

I'm not sure when little kids learn about time and space.  Maybe Neil DeGrasse Tyson should do a toddler version of the 'Cosmos'.  Oh man that would be cool.  Anyway,  I think it is a hard concept *time*.  I can tell he is trying to figure it out in his mind.  What is yesterday, tomorrow, 3 days... etc.  What I love that he is saying is 'one last day' I think that means yesterday.  He will say something like, 'went to the big park one last day'.  It is one of those phrases that will probably go as soon as it came, but I can see the wheels turning in his head haha.

By the way, we differentiate the parks by, big park, little park and now there has been an added new park.. called new park...haha  He still pretty much only likes to swing, observe and take in the whole scene.  He isn't one to get in the mix of things and still shy's away from loud kids.  I don't think it is any big deal, but it would probably be better if he burned a little more energy at the park ;)

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