The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Freedom OH NOOO

Huge milestone for everyone in the house.  I'm not even sure we made the right decision, but it was starting to feel like we should just do it.  The minute we did it we immediately regretted it.  Then we didn't regret it.  Then we did again.  Then we didn't.  It hasn't even been a week so we'll see.  So what was this big milestone.

We changed the crib to a toddler bed ...EECK...  He was still fine in his crib, but we were wondering if we needed to make the switch.  One, so that he could start to learn how to go potty himself.  Since he isn't wearing diapers during his nap we thought maybe at night wouldn't be far behind (who knows) Two, he is starting to possibly grow out of his nap so we may transition to quiet time.  I wanted to give him some room to roam his room if we move to quiet time.  

To say the boy doesn't like change is an understatement (mom and dad too).  In preparation for this I showed him pictures of a toddler bed and asked if he wanted his bed to look like the one in the picture.  He said yes and got excited.  I did this over a few days.  Then Kevin got out the parts to do it.  Mini meltdown one night so we didn't push it.  Then he was excited about it again so we made the change.  It hasn't been a week yet so I hope over time it gets better, but bedtime has been a bit rough.  Kevin has dealt with the brunt of the nighttime routine so I have to thank him for that, it can really test your patience.  He likes to put his legs in the slats of the crib so this has changed for him and I think he can't quite find his comfort level. He is mostly just grumpy and whiney and fights to go to sleep.  Plus he is 3 - enough said.

The nap routine hasn't gone much smoother, but really hoping we find a good rhythm (I hope it still includes some naps) I feel so unprepared about how to handle stuff like this.  I don't read nearly the same amount I used to when he was smaller, but there are times I wish I did.  Now that I want to learn how to do it better I'm trying to read some stuff at night.  So much is so dependent on the kid though.  Each kid is so different that the vanilla type advice isn't always helpful, but sometimes there are nuggets of info.  

Anyway, I can't believe I have a kid that is free to roam the house.  I don't have a baby gate on the stairs even which slightly freaks me out.  He goes down stairs great, but in my head I see him walking aimlessly at night and we don't hear him and he falls down.  Also, what are the odds he listens and stays in his room for quiet time or at 2 am in the morning??  We have always kind of taken the philosophy that we will first try to get him to listen to us.  So we talk about staying in your room etc. etc.  But, because I'm a mom I just might put a gate on his door so he is contained haha.  

Well, wish us luck on this new (pretty scary) adventure.  

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