The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, December 5, 2014


I have noticed something lately that cracks me up.  And no it's not the obsession with Taylor Swifts 'Shake it off'...but boy is he cute singing that...  and it's not the way he has to have everything in a place and a place for everything (I move one Christmas decoration or something while he naps and next thing I know it is right back where it was originally)... tiny bit of OCD perhaps... I'm certainly not to blame for that ... Right? Right? Anyone?  Anyone?  

Ok, what cracks me up is how he will ask me something like..'What marble do you want' and I'll say, " The blue one' and he goes 'how about the orange one'.  He will say what color do you want...I'll pick (fill in the blank) and he always says 'how about (fill in the blank, but never the color I picked).  Whether it is a snack or where to go or what to do it is always a similar choice but not the one I chose.  Cracks me up because he says it so innocently.  He must really like to pick.  It never really affects anything so for right now I just take whatever he gives me.  It is a new thing and like everything else (well some things) it usually just disappears so I just chuckle under my breath and observe.  :)

First School Picture

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